
When was the last time you went on a date? 🙄

This has been my argument against Marvel for years. I don’t want to read a dozen books or watch a dozen other films just so I know what the hell is going on.

Flagging your comments. Wanting people to die is pretty sick. Go see a therapist.

I really like Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan. Actually the entire female team over there is pretty awesome. There’s Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania. Raphael Warnock, Senator from Georgia. Wes Moore in Maryland  

You sound like a real hoot. Reminds me of so many parties over the years where there was always that one person who leaned into pretentious academia speak all fucking night.🤣

You pay on a sliding scale depending on what your income is. I also opted for Blue Cross. When I was making less than I make now I was paying $69 a month.

I’m actually not economically conservative. Liberals need to get better candidates. Bernie couldn’t even beat Clinton and Warren didn’t come close to Biden. And rolling up with clowns like Jill Stein and Cornell West isn’t going to bring about the change we need. In fact progressives don’t do all that well nationwide.…

We have an incredibly solid bench of presidential contenders coming up in 2028. They are running a bunch of states right now. Same with their Lt Governors and Attorneys General. The DNC threw millions at them to get elected.  

I spent months arguing with a Bernie Bro friend in 2016 over the fact that Bernie’s 10 highest paid staffers in the campaign were all men, with one exception, Bernie’s own wife. He thought it was totally irrelevant. Same with abortion

I’m currently on Obamacare paying $314 a month. This is a lifeline for MILLIONS of people. Without it I would have no insurance at all. 

It might have passed then, but it took awhile for people to actually get it.

Yeah it’s all great in theory. At some point you actually have to turn them into law. Keep in mind, Bernie is the guy who didn’t think abortion was an important issue in 2016 so there are important things he doesn’t advocate at all. 

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. Completely on point! Sanders is actually one of the least productive people in Congress and he knows none of his ideas have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever passing. I know people up in Vermont who know him. He’s a giant, self aggrandizing dick. 

Not just the author stretching it. The crazies on social media too.

It’s amazing how people can’t see this clip for what it is, a continuation of what Conan thought was a joke at the time. People have really lost their minds if they think there is more to this. 


It’s disgusting how dismissive people are of her accomplishments and hard work. Truly disgusting. Who do they think got Obamacare passed? It wasn’t Bernie Sanders

I stand corrected. He just seems older.

He’s not full of himself? Didn’t he run for President?

Why? She’s in much better shape than Feinstein. You really need to start adulting.Â