
Why is no one asking Bernie Sanders to go away? He’s older and considerably less effective than Pelosi.

The only positive thing that can come out of this is that the voters in Florida kick out DeSantis when he runs for re-election. It’s not like he’s gonna be President and Florida was purple not that long ago.

Yeah, sure. The press forced Pitt to sit down with Diane Sawyer and tell her to ask his wife why he wasn’t a father yet. He was constantly whining to the press about the soccer team he wanted.

His smear campaign is disgusting. Not a surprise that he ran to the usual places where misogyny reins supreme—TMZ, Page Six and The Daily Mail, but I would like to mention that People Magazine, a magazine devoted to a female audience, seems all in for him too. They have regurgitated the whole sordid mess with quotes

This is such a tricky subject. On the one hand I don’t want them to recognize a few cells as a person. On the other hand I want men to be scared shitless that a one night stand might mean more than 18 years of child support.

And yet, Scientology leadership, which stalked, smeared and harassed these victims for years, won’t see a day of jail time.

You have to be ten shades of crazy to have a kid with this creep. I’m sure he can arrange full custody of all 10 kids because these women willingly worshiped at the alter of Elon at some point. No sane woman would ever get involved with him. 

Lol. Sounds on point for a dude who got famous wearing a purity ring. 

The fact that he’s sending out people to call her a bad mom says so much about him. She should be should be happy to be rid of this asshole.

Ooh, that’s a good guess. Although I bet he’s make her go on a diet. He’s sick like that. 

He’s not picking Haley. She wants to be President. Aaaaand would likely turn him down. 

He’s not picking either one of them and he’s not picking Haley either.

My only advice to the woman in your life is to run like hell. 

Timmy sure loves those nepo babies. I’m starting to think he’s not as amazing as the internet makes him out to be. 

Nancy Mace is the worst. Always trying to play both sides. A “gentler” forced birth does not an ally make. In fact it’s the exact opposite. We see you, girl!

Describing anyone as fearful coming from this crowd is so ironic. Their entire brand is about instilling fear and grievance in their audience.

I didn’t say MSNBC was pro Trump. I just said they spend all day and night covering him. This is at the expense of other stories. How many more times do we need to exhaustively cover the indictments? There isn’t 10 hours of new news on this subject every day until the trials start and yet they cover it every single

No matter how many exorcisms the Schlapp’s have they won’t be able to pray his gay away.

Agreed. It should have been $1 million a year for every year they were married. Maybe $2 million a year if they were married more than a decade. She probably couldn’t afford a top notch lawyer back then is my guess. 

Just buy her a boat. Her kids will literally live on the ocean.