
She didn’t insert herself. She was dragged into it and then forced to respond after people targeted her. Please acknowledge that MAJOR distinction.

She was getting death threats and being blasted by Jewish groups. I guess you think women shouldn’t depends themselves? 

She was getting thousands of hateful comments and now people want to hate her for responding. It’s gross. 

This phrase may mean one thing to the black community, but is also used by white nationalists to go after Jews. Aniston had every right to defend herself. Her phone was likely ringing off the hook and there were thousands of comments in her IG feed calling her an antisemite. Jewish groups were calling her out, as she

If we were really being fair we’d be simultaneously investigating the BILLIONS Jared Kushner pocketed during and after he left the White House. He too was trading on the family name AND his position as Presidential advisor.

THIS. I keep trying to figure out how to describe him. You deserve more than one star. 

Please do NOT refer to this childlike dweeb as a fuck boy. I threw up in my mouth a little.

I feel like we need translators for what these people actually say.

I cannot believe this is the hill you decided to engage on. WTF. I wish neither one of them had an actual name. To me he will always be the sex trafficker who paid for those girls with Venmo. 

Well according to Trump, Pence is “too honest”. No wonder he hasn’t gotten any traction in the Republican Party.

It breaks my heart to think people sat out 2016. Didn’t it ever occur to you that Trump would be picking anti choice judges? That’s the reason MILLIONS of women no longer have a right to an abortion. Hillary was yelling this from the rooftops for many, many months and the idiots are like, yeah but Hillary’s not very

That is so disgusting. The good news is that the few paragraphs of his obituary will only mention this stage of his life in passing and only as a comparison to how far he fell afterwards.

I hope Sophie lives her best life. As for him, new couple alert!!! Only because I think Trump might stroke out

She’s probably lying. I put on 20lbs since I started perimenopause. Started the diet meds two days ago and have told all of my friends that I’m on the meds. I don’t understand why people lie about this.

I can only imagine what he was saying or thinking privately about 9/11 when he was trying to frame himself as America’s mayor and already imagining how he would look sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. Considering what a horrid person he is there is a high probability that he saw that terrible day as one of

Pence is going to two sides the shit out of this publicly. He’s a profile in cowardice. This trial MUST be televised. Sadly the person who makes that call is Justice John Roberts. The pressure campaign to televise must start now.

Lots of people have had mental health problems over the years. Yours just seem pretty extreme. You are not going to get better hate commenting and attacking people online. Find a healthier hobby.

Was he kidnapped and forced to sleep with her? If they weren’t dating he would have shut this story down months ago. 

They’re looking for purity that doesn’t exist. It’s disgusting. Jill Stein was literally hanging out with Putin before running in 2016, years after he started assassinating people who stood in his way.

I think you have some mental health problems. Your level of rage towards democrats is just so creepy. Feel free to vote your conscience, although next time you’re going to be revenge voting against me, an anonymous internet commenter?