
I know we want to keep the focus on the Kardashians and how they work the media, but this whole thing made me think less of Chalamet. He signed up for this shit. There are literally millions of single women out there and he went here. For months. 

I hope you’re right. Judging by some of the responses I’ve gotten from my comment I’m not so sure. Aside from the abusive nature of their response, there are quite a few people on the far left who literally think Biden is just as bad as Trump. That is so many levels of crazy.

Thank you for proving my point. To say Biden is as bad as Trump is exactly what I was referring to. If you think of this as a shithole country you are free to leave.

I wish I shared your optimism. Just wait until all those super left folks stay home because they think Biden is too old. Or they’ll vote for Cornell West. This is the same crowd that stayed home or voted for Jill Stein in 2016 because they didn’t like Hillary enough. Never underestimate their ability to completely

The only reason Gaetz is dunking on Reboot Ron is because he supports a criminal who is literally out on bail. There is no other reason. 

And you determined this by personally subjecting him to a medical exam? 🙄

How is Joe Biden senile? Because he stutters? He’s old, but senile? On what planet do you live? Planet left wing nut or planet right wing nut? 

This film needs a director’s cut. 

That and speed dialing the tabloids to dish on the fam.

Larger question, does Kate Middleton spark any joy? Boring and bland seems to be the only acceptable type of woman who marries into this toxic environment. If you have a personality or an independent streak, this gig is NOT for you.

We assume Megan Fox is rich because she has been in some big films, but if we’ve learned anything during the actor’s strike it should be that we can’t assume we know what people are getting paid. Turns out one of the main cast members of American Pie only got $8000 to be in a film that turned out to be a huge hit so

I am so with you on this. Reading about it is a throwback to another century. I’m an internet/teevee kid for fucks sake. We need memes!!!

Probably because this is going to have devastating consequences for the next black woman who actually goes missing. 

Tell that to the Malaysian LGBTQ community who was pretty pissed about the comments and is now fearing reprisals. 

Then why do you keep responding to my comments? Three in less than 10 minutes. That literally negates your comment. If you didn’t care about my thoughts you wouldn’t keep responding. Have a nice day. 😄

I was very critical of Beyoncé when that happened. His shit wasn’t even ham fisted. It’s going to result in a crackdown of the LGBT community. His shit is ALWAYS dumb. See laundry list of receipts. Dumb is all this guy ever does. These communities need smarter people fighting for their cause. He’s not it. 

I responded negatively to her appearance in Dubai as well.

No wonder he wants to put more children into the world. 😳

Matt Healy is an idiot. These Muslim countries claim homosexuality is a western conspiracy. All he does is play into that. He’ll be off getting drunk in another country while the LGBTQ community in Malaysia pays the price for his stupidity. 

Sorry to hear about your family. I don’t even know what Anifa really is other than a group who fights against fascism. Who would be against that other than fascists? Sadly I’ve never met anyone who actually belongs to Antifa. But I am definitely against fascism.