
Ben Shapiro uploaded an insane 43 minute review of Barbie today. It’s is everything you would expect and so much more.

I bet you haven’t gotten laid in years. 😄

Women’s US Soccer. That’s why the men are now spending big bucks to compete. 

And there was another one who paralyzed his friend in a car accident. Separate incident from Ted Kennedy who killed a woman in a car accident.

If they had the goods on Joe Biden they wouldn’t be distracting with nude photos of Hunter. Republicans have had that hard drive for THREE YEARS now.

Wow that was a mouthful of hate. You don’t know anything about me. I live in a majority black neighborhood for starters and have myself been priced out of two other neighborhoods due to gentrification. I suspect I will eventually be priced out of my current neighborhood for the same reason.

I’m not talking about the original generations. I’m talking about their kids and grandkids, the ones who’ve spent all of these years leaning into the Kennedy name and the accomplishments of the others.

You know that take is going to be an on brand shitshow. It’s gonna kill them knowing Barbie is going to make twice as much as Oppenheimer. Can’t wait for the inevitable conspiracy theory. 

Yeah yeah other than killing a girl he did lots of good. Wtf. 

Yeah some of them did civic work, but not many of them. 

He’s not wrong about his cousin, but this ENTIRE family has been trading off the family name since the 1960s. None of them ever achieved anything remotely resembling greatness. Most of them are just basic. You’d think with such a huge family someone would really stand out, but none of them really do. Unless it’s a

I was making a larger point about how the GOP takes random things and turns them into a huge scandals with years worth of investigations. See Hunter Biden. See Benghazi.

I can’t wait for her lil buddy Matt Gaetz to weigh in on this. He sex trafficked girls across state lines and then paid them through Venmo. Oh wait MTG and the MAGAs could care less about that. Hunter is a private citizen and Gaetz is a public official paid for by taxpayers. Why do Dems sit on the sidelines and refuse

And when Trump dies it will become Marjorie Taylor Green’s party. Or Lil Donnie Jr’s. Trumpism has all the things Republicans hold dear. Racism, cultism, conspiracies, lionizing the wealthy while mocking the poor, a complete lack of empathy for other people and other nations. Trump just made it all mainstream. It will

How do you know the police aren’t looking for the toddler? We have zero idea what the police are doing right now because they haven’t told us anything. 

Says the person who is literally ON THE INTERNET questioning her story. 

We should have ethics rules to prevent any sort of impropriety or anything that smells of impropriety, but these cases are NOT THE SAME. Thomas was literally accepting BRIBES. She was pushing a book. 

They do have immense power, but you are arguing that defending Thomas and Alito is now easy which is totally ridiculous. Justices are allowed to teach and sell books.

Deliberately running over someone with your car is the same as shoplifting a pack of gum based on your argument. Cause ya know, crime is crime. YOU should be ashamed.

Did this show ever have its groove? Even the richest women in NYC never change their outfits four times a day.