
CSI dude was arrested for domestic violence in 2009. Doubt he’s going to sue anyone.

Why? People have known about Justin Long’s parties for awhile. His name came up a few days ago when the first Jonah Hill story dropped. 

She wasn’t a random person with a fake ID. She was a tv star. That’s why she got invited to a party with a bunch of other celebrities. Of course they knew her age.


Why are people defending this behavior? She was on a tv show at the time. That’s how she likely got invited. They knew exactly how old she was.

As per the Justice Department website:

You don’t have to be in a relationship with a famous person to stay in a relationship like this. Lots of times you don’t even notice what he’s doing until later. Other times they have stripped you of your self worth to the point where you think they might be right. There are red flags you don’t notice during the love b

So he needs to be a controlling asshole? That’s not the vibe he was selling when he endlessly posted about her. I think her point here is that he’s the opposite of what he wants the public to see him as. I think we also need to know the difference between boundaries and rules. They’re not the same. 

She’s a surfer and she’s not allowed to surf with men or post photos in a bathing suit? Are you kidding me? That goes way beyond boundaries. He’s asking her to change who she is so he doesn’t feel insecure.

Is Meghan McCain’s hairdresser from The View now making ads for Rondha Santis? Sometimes heroes don’t wear capes. 🤣

Not only is she 3 years past Leo’s cut off date. She’d have to be at least 3-4 years younger than that for him to be interested. To summarize she is 6-7 years too old for this creep. 

Carm and Sydney? Why? Do all people who work closely like this have to couple up? Ugh.  Please, no!

I know people who’ve worked with him. He got off on chasing young, straight dudes. Tons of people knew but couldn’t do much about it unless they did it collectively, which no one was interested in spearheading. It would have ended their careers before it ended his. This is how people like Spacey get away with this for

Yeah if only she’d been more “pure” to the left when the country actually lives in the middle that would have done the trick. 🙄 See Joe Biden vs. Elizabeth Warren.

It’s amazing that no one at the company ever reached out to her, when we were ALL aware her life was being threatened. Now the other side of the “aisle” can boycott these douchebags too. I hope they lose a fortune. Their beer has always been total shit anyway. 

Having her life threatened is now a grift? Please fuck right off.

His name is being used to strip people of their rights. Isn’t that defamation or something? Not to mention we have so many hateful Christians out there it’s only a matter of time before he receives death threats.

She should be investigated for fraud. As a private citizen does the real Mike actually have a case to sue her for using his name and personal info in a fraudulent way? Internet lawyers, thoughts?

How could you miss the GoGo dancer Ken doll?

Who knew Chrissy could find a new way to exploit motherhood?