
Horrifying and ironic. Clarence Thomas made his entire confirmation about victimhood, whining about how this was a high tech lynching. He’s been bitter, resentful and vindictive ever since.

She’s not the political asset SHE thinks she is either. She’s the one who pushed him into politics and now wants to take this national. Did she not notice he had the personality of a piece of cardboard. At least Hillary knew she had a charismatic husband that could she could take all the way. Same with Nancy. 

Grassroots conservative women who remember everything? Except that their 1st choice is a man who would grab them by the pussy…but only if they’re hot.

So the best she can do is this loser? Cardi, learn to respect yourself.

This is the laziest drink list I have ever seen. There are so many mocktail recipes out there. WTH. 

More smart marketing. Really hope this film delivers.

Yeah because a dude blown out of his mind on cocaine and booze can’t possibly be abusive. That’s why he had a pending case of an assault on a crew member. At least he settled that case so the dirty details weren’t presented in court.

I feel like this was a done deal on day one. He’s the only man awful enough to take that slot. If I remember correctly even his own parents hate him.

When I defended Heard during the trial it was amazing how many women came after me. How did so few people notice that there was a vicious, coordinated online smear campaign against her the entire time? 

She should be happy the country moved forward. Without this progress that she whines about she would have NEVER been Governor, UN Secretary and now a presidential candidate.

How has he not been outed yet? 

If he was Brad Pitt she would have absolutely kept him in the fold. Make no mistake, rules are not evenly applied. 

My point is we should be careful about accusations without something more than an accusation. SJP knew her female audience would come for her so she dropped him ASAP. If he had had a female fanbase who was all in for him, not the show (see Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp) then this would have turned out differently for him.

Keep in mind Joe Biden’s accuser defected to Russia during the war in Ukraine and now appears on Russian TV with Russian spies praising how wonderful they are.

Joe Biden is a perfect example of my point. Turns out his accuser was a Russian asset who now claims she had to flee to Russia because her life was in danger. As if Biden supporters even remember her existence. She now appears on Russian state television with other Russian spies. Just saying. Feel free to google her.

You should read up on the Red scare. They made similar arguments that you are making. 

Don’t say this too loudly. The mob will come for you like they did for me. These idiots have no sense of history. During the Red Scare people’s lives were absolutely ruined based on a simple accusation.  

I’m not blaming the accusers. If someone accused your close friend of something like this would you ditch them immediately or would you want them to have a right to defend themselves because you’ve never seen any sort of behavior like this from them?

According to right wingers a fetus is a human mere minutes after it was conceived. Based on that logic a 15 week old fetus is a essentially a complete person. Now they’re OK with 15 weeks? Doesn’t that wipe out the argument they’ve been making for decades? Seems like a cut off point that contradicts EVERYTHING they’ve

He’s probably vote to overturn it. He’s very much a “for thee not for me” type.