Also, trans folks are already getting pretty shitty/non-existent health care most of the time. Not sure exactly why we need to enshrine that in laws and regulations.
Also, trans folks are already getting pretty shitty/non-existent health care most of the time. Not sure exactly why we need to enshrine that in laws and regulations.
The smartest thing I ever did as a PhD candidate was not report my harasser. It made me literally physically sick at the time. But in the end, I was right. Which is the best thing you can be if you’re an academic. Reporting him wouldn’t have hurt him. He’d been reported before. In fact, I think for him part of the…
This I actually understand, though. My GP is a woman. My OBGYN is a woman. My dentist? A woman. Notably, all those offices I just mentioned are staffed entirely (I think) with women.
Genuine question: do you think these guys know they’re puppets and pawns, or do you think they legitimately feel that they’re qualified and doing good work?
I’m finding that as a father of twin kindergarten girls, Dad Voice is losing its effect.
Here’s an idea. Get fucked.
Neat. Can we agree on they as the gender neutral pronoun too?
I’m a man and I hate men right now so I understand
You wouldn’t say that if you had been convicted at 19 for banging the 16 year old to whom you are now married with three kids, thirty years later.
He may have slapped some balls on that one. Bad form, dangerously low on the slap, and too close to the middle. Pick a cheek bro.
I hope Lego didn’t repeat the fiasco with the women scientists kit. They made way too few, and when women and girls clamored for them they swiftly sold out and resales went for hundreds of dollars.
Perhaps you should tell that to Jerry Miculek
He is giving football fans way too much credit. They didn’t give a shit about injured players way before fantasy became a thing.
:( Nothing to say other than I hope for a fast recovery for her. The world could use much more of her.
Hasn’t the prevailing theory been that its the overprescribing that’s got people hooked, and then, when they can longer access the non-illicit opioids, they move on to heroin, fentanyl, and the like?
Yes, cracking down on prescription opioid abuse has driven abusers towards cheaper, safer alternatives like black tar heroin.
I hear you. My ex used to work in production on a TV crime show, and the amount of time and money spent lighting bodies on autopsy tables so you could see in brilliant gory detail that their kidneys had been hacked out and their eyes gouged and their legs broken but their nipples and privates were 100% washed out of…
I find it hard to believe, as this article posits, that Janet’s career was somehow ruined by this event. I mean, her career was clearly on the decline before this happened. And I thought the only people that gave a shit was the FCC and a few old people.