Also, I said we don't know for sure if he's on steroids, but it wouldn't be surprising. His life circumstances and age are not the best for working out and getting those results.
Also, I said we don't know for sure if he's on steroids, but it wouldn't be surprising. His life circumstances and age are not the best for working out and getting those results.
I mentioned them because it demonstrates there is a lot of variation on how much mass you get from steroids depending on workout. You can get results that are in the same range of normal as just working out, but without as much volume or time of workout as if you were natural. That is very appealing to actors.
Your upper body muscles have more androgen receptors. When you take anabolic-androgenic steroids, what do you think happens? There are studies measuring steroids and muscle growth. This is not controversial science.
If only all 45+ year old parents of two kids could recover from a recent epic bender and a hard breakup so quickly to get in previous physical form. And to to extent that we show up on Jezebel as eye candy. Sadly, for most people that’s not exactly the the time in our life we get to the gym more and eat right.
And I have no first hand knowledge if he is on steroids. It is possible he is genetically lucky 40+ year old man that has found time between acting, raising two kids, dating a new girlfriend, being dumped by that girlfriend, and spinning into a relapse to hit the gym hard and eat right. It is possible.
First, steroids give you a major boost, but they aren’t going to turn you into 1970s Arnold in a week. I’m not sure where you get that idea. They take a few weeks before you see big gains.
Steroids disproportionately increase hypertrophy in the chest and arms.
This. They are so incredibly common around leading men. Sure, you could get to that in a couple years if you had a trainer, lots of spare time and sleep, and a good diet. Or, you could get there in 3-6 months with a moderate amount of those things and steroids. Which is more suited to a profession where you party and…
Ugh, yes, I think someone else brought up the point social rejection is also a catalyst for detransition that takes up the lion share of cases according to some studies. I feel lucky to be in a liberal hot bed, which I’m sure still has plenty of rejection for those that don’t read their gender by others, but there are…
Look, nobody wants non-trans people to transition. And if you can find measures to reduce that without reducing trans-access to care, I’m all for it.l However, a .2-2% regret rate for any surgery or medication for any medical intervention is incredibly low, especially one that dramatically improves patients lives.…
There is no science to back that up. All the evidence of the last 50 years points to gender identification and self-identification a biological, therefore the roots of gender, as biological-driven. The contexts and prescriptions of gender are socially constructed.
I’d buy that. I live in a liberal city, so in my observations it’s been more people on the spectrum, feeling their way through what that means for them. They might have family that disapproves, but they have acceptance other places. I’m not sure they would label themselves as detransitioners, but merely on a journey.…
Impossible standards. Dress hyper masc/femme and you only superficially understand your identified gender. Dress down from that and you are not really trans. Cis people suck at understanding gender.
That depends on what is considered detransitioning. People that detransition after bottom surgery are rare. After hormones is a little more common. After social transitioning even more common. They are all rare, but they happen. I’ve met people that have gone from ftm and hormones to transmaculine/non-binary/female…
The current world is starting to come to consensus that gender is merely a social construct...
Yes, because unmitigated development would increase gender dysphoria in ways that cannot be completely reversed after puberty. Trying to shame trans people for taking medicine is a bit ridiculous. The entire medical establishment is built around intervening in the “natural” progression of the body after weighing the…
The evidence isn’t 100%, but it is the better option weighing the others risks for people they prescribe these medications to.
To be fair, I do think it’s more than 0.1% and he did an better-than-average job covering the issues (which is a low bar).
From what I understand, Brandon had not done any hormone treatment. Trans men that are pre-hormones, or elect to not take hormones live with more vulnerability. The more androgynous your features, like Swank, the more you can read ‘male’, but there is still a fragility to those that, like Brandon, are living ‘stealth’.…
You are conflating gender with sex. Understandably, as they are highly correlated concepts. Just like gender expression and gender identity are highly correlated concepts. But as Johnny Weir proves daily, those are also only highly correlated, not perfectly correlated.