This song makes me want to fall asleep. asleep. asleep. aslee..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
There is a "real average" in the sense that we use the word average often to mean typical, rather than mathematical average. And there is a better way way to mathematically represent this notion of average. It's the median.
At best case it's really inefficient to spread it more than recommended. It requires way more visits to the pediatrician than it should. It also increases the amount of time the doctor has to discuss alternative vaccination schedules, and seems to be crowding out things that should be a discussion, like safe sleeping…
I think *most* couples with fertility issues do not think they are "owed a baby" in any way. Sure, desperate would-be parents and commercial fertility service providers shouldn't be able to take advantage of economically desperate people. But the human drive for a child can be an incredibly strong force for many…
"We remember the bad more"....hogwash. Are memory softens with time. We create deities out of historical figures. We dull the edge of horrific events to make us feel better. Nobody wants to be implicated by history, be it Japanese, German, American, English or whatever.
The real question is how do people think Chipotle is tasty? It's a giant bomb of bland. It's Cali-Mex methadone. Trapped in a strip mall in a fly over state? Okay then. But if you live near a coast in a city with over 500k residents, there are much better burritos. How these are popular in California is still a…
Thanks for this. I was reading this post and thought we had time-warped back to the 90s. Just take some recommendations and stream her work on Spotify. Buy what you like. Debut FTW.
For the record, Grey/Swayze had no chemistry.
Flu shot isn't 100% effective, even for Grandpa Joe when he get it (and he likely does), so you really want the whole community to have the flu shot to boost prevention. It's called herd immunity. Also, there are those that can't get the flu shot. Like new babies.
Yes, cause parroting hunches based on anecdotal evidence you've gathered about getting "something" after the flu shot is so not sheep like. Not at all. Also, luddite: I don't think this word means what you think it means.
Look up herd immunity. You don't get the flu shot for yourself. You get the flu shot for the immune-compromised (elderly, sick, small children) in your area. Even if you get the flu only 25% less often with a flu shot, it means you have a real impact on reducing flu exposure to the people you live/work around and the…
I know research shows people are more likely to date people that look like them, but it still makes me double take. Especially same-sex couples as the look-alike-ness is super duper apparent.
The Tdap is a triple shot vaccine that includes tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping). One problem is the pertussis effectiveness degrades faster than the other vaccines. Your pertussis effectiveness will wear off between 5-15 years. Weighing costs, risks and likely effectiveness they recommend boosting every…
I <3 U. If I had known such people lived in Pittsburgh I might have made a different grad school choice. Then again, I still really enjoy dressing like a slob. God bless. I hope we meet on Jezebel again. And I wish you all the best in your future internet commenting endeavors.
Also, in addition to the breastfeeding brigade, the closest coffee shop to my work refuses to put out milk for people. They only slow pour coffee from single source beans. If you ask for milk, the first time they try to reeducate you about how you are ruining your coffee. The second time, they give you a small carafe…
I had a choice of graduate school in Pittsburgh or Bay Area a decade ago. I chose partly for the tacos and because I like dressing like a slob even to semi-formal occasions. I should have deliberated with a 10 year plan in mind.
SF Bay Area. Breastfeeding Brigade Central.