
The link you've posted is tragic, definitely- but- do you see how this new law will create more circumstances where women feel they have to give birth in apartments? That they won't be comfortable getting pre-natal care? Do you actually care about the babies...? Then you shouldn't support this law.

Heh. I'm in loads of debt (grad school, credit cards) and don't have a huge rack to show for it :(

Read the piece this morning (brutal). I wanted to know why Anna's friend (the witness at the Barn) refused to testify at her hearing! Is that the same friend who is a football player? If that's the case, I understand he might not want to testify and alienate the rest of his team- though this makes him a pretty shitty

I'm surprised you can't find more compassion for others who suffer from the same disorder you do.

So I stewed over your post for a while, and I guess I misunderstood that you misunderstood- the post above was sarcasm. (I don't really believe that people from other countries are inherently criminal).

No, thank YOU. By the way, your snark looks better without typos (especially when the correct spelling is right there).

Thanks! That helps :)

As an Indian-American, I have to say I find it really baffling. I don't see this kind of vitriol directed toward other Asian immigrant groups, though the comments in Gawker on ANY story with black people (whether an inspirational story, article summary) are fucking heinous, too. I wonder if it's because brown people

Perhaps that too? That's not what I meant, though.

I would just like to point out the difference between the comments in this story, and any story about rape in India. I'm probably preaching to the choir, because hypocrites lack self-awareness, but it's worth pointing out.

I just want to remind everyone that when things like this happen in America, THEY ARE NOT A REFLECTION OF THE HABITS AND PREDILECTIONS OF WHITE AMERICANS.

Off topic a bit, but I really hope Coloradoans get out and vote this midterm election, or else we probably lose Udall.

As a petite lady, I have to say- J Crew clothes are enormous on me! They do have "petites" (supposedly) though I've never seen it in the stores. GOOD. I'm glad they're making this size.

And then what... just... wait for it to get hard... and then get a picture...? This is so shocking it's absurd!

By all rights, if the mother wants the boy to be prosecuted for producing child pornography, her daughter is culpable, too, for taking her own pics!

"Score for 'real women!'"

They've even thrown out the sick (but totally plausible, right?) scenario of a father marrying his daughter for... umm... federal benefits, yeah.

Yeah, she sounds absolutely horrible.

That's even more fucked up! Are you saying that precept requires victims of abuse to ask for forgiveness for their own sins? Geez Louise.

Not just that- "but you should also think about forgiving those guys! Because it's good for YOU and YOUR SOUL." UGH.