
I think that for music/journalism or the route you took, this can work, but what of people who regret not going into the hard sciences in college? Your opportunities as a kid might be limited based on perceptions about gender, race, etc. but those can fall away in college. I guess I would say the better option is for

Hey, there's another idea! But as long as some (rich) kids are going at 18, then the kids who take a gap year while figuring out their options are at a steep disadvantage. I mean, these are institutionalized norms. Hardly anyone I work with has an Associate's degree, let alone NO degree. My company simply wouldn't

Yes, here it can create a serious hardship if someone is to change his or her career path after earning a college degree. So much so that many people stay in their industries despite hating it/not being great at their jobs. I can't see how this benefits anyone.

I mean... the majority of people who take out student loans still pay them back- right? So... this is kind of the abortion thing- if you don't like abortion, don't get one. If you don't like government student loans, no one is forcing you to take one, but if you don't take one you should be aware that your career

No, not during the recession. I was lucky to get a job copying legal documents after I earned my BA. The best music performance job I could have gotten would be analogous to the opportunities I had in high school. Which brings me to another point- sometimes college gives kids time to ride out a shit economy so they

Whew! Well I am super glad my parents paid for my education. People who don't have that luxury, I guess, should opt out of the college experience, according to your logic.

I was a violin performance major in college. I dropped that major to become a journalist. Finished in five years. I don't perform music anymore, nor do I work in my field of study, but I don't think my year of performance was a waste. It broadened my perspective, gave me time to figure out what I really wanted to do,

Yeah, yeah. I'm okay with my generalization.

Do you agree that if a child is not able to pick a major, he or she should not be able to go to college? Is it really so terrible for a kid to decide he's not as good at something in college as he was in high school, and make a change? What if he finishes in five years instead of four? Was he "kicking around?"

Yeah, she is really not looking good here.

Ugh. Screw that. If we said that kids (KIDS!! They are 18 fucking years old) who fail to declare a major within their first year, impacting their ability to graduate in four years, should not go to college... NO ONE WOULD GO TO COLLEGE except those rare people who know, at age 18, what they should be doing for the

hahaha. You're so fucking stupid that you don't see how your "entire argument" (which is specious, btw) is to put the responsibility of rape onto the shoulders of the victim. Luckily, you are a dude and you will never, ever have to understand this, god willing. But you should listen to these commenters and gtfo.


That's a hell of a leap.

Sadly, if a young woman just breaking into modeling actually has a parent who is THAT level of protective, she is probably not going to be very comfortable telling them what happened.

This could only possibly work if we are talking about an insanely hot guy. But as we all know, it's never the insanely hot guys who do stuff like this (hi, MRAs. I have no doubt you will misinterpret this).

Haha, I don't know if it's in the article, but one model famously told of Terry squeezing her (used) tampon into a mug and calling it "tampon tea." Dude is a sicko!

Wat. No.

His favorite tea, also, is pretty throw-up-worthy.

Bridesmaids. Feh.