
I dunno. I think you're overshooting it with the HDDs.

So because there are worse places out there, that excuses the others.

If by like a clone, you mean not a clone at all since Indiegogo was launched a full year before Kickstarter. Indie was 2008, Kick 2009. So if one of the two is a clone, it'd be Kick.

...if by clone, you mean was started first. Indiegogo was launched in 2008, Kick was 2009.

Not really, no. In my twenty three years I have yet to break any law beyond perhaps when I use to use Limewire as a teenager. Though I used it more for porn than I did music... virus filled porn. Lul. Anyways. No. Fuck our police state. Are there good cops out there, doing their duty? Yes. Absolutely. But

I'll never be playing these because fuck 343.

Were the one hits anywhere the blow landed, because I wouldn't be for that. I'd be for an aimed dismemberment system... you hit his arm, it gets cut off and such, and one hit kills for the right areas like straight through the chest or w/e.

Yeah. The Pokemon ones... I don't see anything wrong with them, and it's obvious they are on purpose.

You're on a gaming internet blog calling another person on the gaming internet blog a loser.

In the end, if you actually PAID any attention to the books(And by the regard, the movie but to a lesser extent), both of them were using each other in different ways. Both had to learn and grow(Ramonas aspect was sadly mostly cut from the movie and Scotts was cut down a bit but was of course still there) from their

Just an extra like ten minute scene showing the two as an actual couple before jumping right to them "splitting" would have made their relationship more meaningful in the film. Then a minute or less added here and there to other scenes to flesh out just a tiny bit more.

Exactly. It's still a great movie, I watch it like once every month or so. Scott Pilgrim is my shit. But that extra twenty to thirty minutes would have been enough room to make it perfect instead of just great.

"has an ending where Scott wound up with Knives instead of Ramona. I would've been okay with that! Knives rules."

Yes and no. Bryan was with them the whole time, telling them what was going to be in Book 6/planning stuff out. So while the book wasn't out, they weren't at all in the dark.

The movie was way too short IMO. An extra twenty minutes to half an hour would have been enough time to flesh out a few important things.

Impossible. Making a worse series is like... like... dividing by zero.

I'm 22, far from old. Doesn't stop motion controls from being utter pointless shit.

Because I don't do motion controls. It is literally the most fucking uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced.

The sad thing is? Halo: CE which came out so very long before Halo 2 for the PC had your own servers/lan/server browsers. The fuck were they thinking taking that step back?

"I accept that it's dangerous but so is stepping out of my front door," he said. "I skate down that road all the time and was skating well within my limitations."