
You're a fucking idiot. I was in the car with my friend when he hit a 180-200 pound deer. It didn't end well for the car, us... or the deer of course. Then, not to mention, we were lucky no other cars were nearby and a further wreck didn't ensue. He hits the car, the driver swerves into another car.

Conservatives. We hate big government! Except when we're telling you what you can and can't do., if the internet is down for a day or two I'm not allowed to play my single player games...? So... if my friend, who lives in an area where he can only have access to a data capped cellphone internet plan runs out of data for the month, he can't play any of his single player games? I'm sorry how are you

Pretty sure he was likely mostly referring to the article writer admitting to reseting the game instead of accepting a character death.

How about the fact that the fucking second amendment itself has the words well regulated in it, yet it's hard to get a drivers license than it is a gun? Herp derp.

...because their pictures are right there...

You mean besides my two black friends I played BL2 with, Tiny Tina being their favorite character who they quote all the time even after we've stopped playing?

It's not even a fucking offender and thus it didn't need to said at all. Deal with it.

"That said, you're kinda doing the same thing yourself, right here. Whenever there's an attack on video games, rather than simply refuting and defending you deflect by bringing up the issue of guns."

Jump for me?

I'm not even saying its bad parenting. Like I said, my parents were great and they bought me T and M rated games. Why? Because I could handle them, for one. That and in the end? They're just games. It's not like the parents are buying their kids porn(In most cases lol).

Exactly. My parents bought me T and M rated games when I was younger. Did the VG industry hold a gun to their head telling them to? No. They made the decision as parents/consumers to make the purchase.

Pokemon never stopped me from getting laid. I think the issue is more you than any game you might play. Because, you know. If you're not a total ugo/lack of personality/social retardation kind of dude? The girls really won't care what games you play. With some of the cute gamer girls it'll actually help your ass.

Lol. Before I opened up this thread I did it in my head of how I would list them, figuring this thread would be completely different... yet I open it up and its the exact same.

Seems they stopped selling them. Oh well. It wasn't that good anyways. There's still a way to do it, but it involves taking apart your DS that you can't really undo. Either way, the DS remains the best bet. It's also on the Wiis virtual console, but its a direct copy of the SNES version. And, like it says here:

A port to the most popular handheld gaming machine of all time made by the same company that did the system the game was originally on, or a port to a shitty phone with terrible controls.

Why is this even a question? Play it on your DS.

Not true. It's just a pain in the ass.

173k within four days. Not the entire time period. If it was 173k within the whole thirty days you'd have a point of comparison. 173k in three to four days isn't something to sneer at.

"you think you'll be born into another life? thats foolish."