This is why we can't have nice things

This is the Commerce section of the blog so . . . yeah.  :-)

This is the Commerce section of the blog so . . . yeah.  :-)

Even before reading the article it sounded to me like lengthening courses would be the opposite of “Tiger Proofing” them. If they wanted to negate Tiger’s distance advantage they’d have been much better off shortening the courses (or making the holes more zig-zagged) so that being able to drive 30% father than

The 8TB is showing up as $179.99 for me.

The 8TB is showing up as $179.99 for me.

This ^^^. Similarly I think there’s been an overuse of certain accusations. When Romney was excoriated as a misogynist because of a single awkward word choice “bunders full of women” it tends to dull the accusation for when an actual misogynistic shitbag like Trump oozes onto the scene.

Ummm . . . yes