This is Bat Country

Yes. I actually respect Romney now! I would still vote for Clinton if he were running because I’m part of the 47 percent ha ha ha but damn it I respect him for standing up to Trump.

This is actually not terribly surprising. Reagan was very pro-gun until the Black Panthers showed up in the California state house toting guns, then suddenly we had gun control laws. I feel like we’re seeing a similar response here from the right. I feel like I could go further in making this correlation, but I don’t

I see parallels in the Black Lives Matter movement. Even though Trayvon Martin was not shot by a police officer, I still think of the outrage surrounding his death being the beginning of what is now the Black Lives Matter Movement. Many people thought we would make big changes after his death. Not much happened with

People disputing the labeling of the AR-15 and similar weapons as “assault weapons” are just quibbling over meaningless semantics, as the AR-15 was one of those covered under the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Whether or not it technically is called that is meaningless, as it still fell under that federal

I saw Bill O’Reilly talking to my main man, George Stephanopolous, on GMA today, and he was MAKING SENSE about Donald Trump and the GOP. It was baffling, and I did not want to get up and murder my TV, which has really thrown my whole day off. My brain is confused right now. Up is down and white is black.

Good luck find more conservative TV than Fox. Guess theyll have to throw out their TV and go off the grid...

I saw some dogs and cats living together on my way to work this morning, mass hysteria can’t be far behind

Wow, guys, what a totally new idea.

I wonder why it was this shooting and not Sandy Hook that is finally getting conservatives to wake up about America’s ridiculous gun laws. I wouldn’t have thought the massacre of LGBT people and not, y’know, toddlers, would be the turning point for them. I suspect it might have to do with the ethnicity of the shooter

I had a conversation in real life with a conservative gun-lover yesterday. As soon as he started talking about gun rights and the Second Amendment, I told him we probably shouldn’t continue the discussion, since I am all for gun control. He skipped a beat but kept going. Turns out that while he is gung-ho for guns, he

So right-wing nutjobs are now referring to Fox News correspondents as “the liberal media?” We’re through the looking glass here, people.

It’s harder to get a license to be a hair dresser than to get a gun. Hair grows back. Dead people don’t.*

A couple of years ago I had a nasty road rage incident. When I got home (via a very circuitous route), I tried to find out if this guy had a gun. You can’t. There is no registry where you can check that kind of thing. How insane is that?

Yes, a thousand times, yes. Make anyone who sells a firearm to someone who then uses that firearm to commit a crime, an accessory to that crime. Fuck this fucking shit. ENOUGH.

Thank you for trying to heal irreparable damage from war weapons in civilian hands. ❤️

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

THIS is the argument I’ve had with those who I consider NOT my friends (also know as the “An AR doesn’t do that much damage” cuntbags). I work in Emergency Medicine and believe me, If I had to (touch wood) be shot with a gun and a choice, I’d go handgun/pistol all the way. That’s repairable (mostly; unless someone has

What? Has he not paid attention to the giant cautionary tale that is the United States? Somebody needs to crotch punch him-stat.

I look forward to an even longer filibuster when republicans fuck it all up. Woooooo.