This is Bat Country

Technically, yes!!! (Today I am 29 and 8 months so I still count.)

Was about to very angrily protest that I did. But then realized I’ve been 30 for 5 months now.

I was about to say, “I DO!” but then realized that I’m not under 30.

Somewhere, Leelee Sobieski is frowning at her Starbucks cup marked “Helen”.

I know, right. I want to give him all the hugs.

True. At least there’s still hope for him though. I feel so terrible for Corey Haim. The only good thing that came out of his death is the fact that Feldman could out some of his abusers without hurting him further. There are some who are still too protected for outing to do any good though. *sigh*

One pedophile ring to rule them all!

Corey Feldman makes me so sad because even though he is a clearly disturbed adult you catch glimmers of how intelligent and expressive he is and it's so fucking heartbreaking to think people just broke him as a child to this end.

My ex used to tell me similar stories about how his mother (an immigrant from a very Catholic Spanish-speaking country) would never leave him and his brother alone with the priests growing up. They were/are both strikingly beautiful and she just knew better (not that that is necessarily the determining factor, but she

FWIW, there have been stories going back about these parties, where child actors are essentially pimped out by their parents and/or managers. The names that have been mentioned (Lindsay Lohan, Hayden Pannatierre, Amanda Bynes) as victims absolutely leads me to believe that many of the “wacky” party people in Hollywood

This reminds me of how in the novel “The Godfather” the Hollywood guy who gets a horse head in the bed is a pedophile, and it makes the revenge act that much more satisfying. Conveniently, that didn’t make it into the movie. I wonder why...

No parent would intentionally make the wrong choice

I was just thinking that, especially since Elijah Wood seems like one of the few people who have been able to transition from child actor to adulthood with few problems.

Props to Wood’s mom for having good instincts. No parent would intentionally make the wrong choice, but I’m proud she made the right one when not everyone did.

Hollywood has always had a problem with pedophilia. A lot of classic Hollywood movie producers and studio moguls were renowned for their predilection for kids. Even some famous actors (coughErrolFlynncough). If you read The Godfather, Mario Puzo included a quick but very disturbing scene about a little girl

For those of you keeping score at home:

People in Ireland would build a wall to keep Trump out.

This guy has been stomping around Scotland and Ireland for years doing similar stuff. He has a tendency to build his tender lawns right near big sand dunes and very very windy beaches. Fuck him. He cannot battle the Atlantic winds or advancing sand. It gets in everything from your hair to your garden to your

This is also the same asshole who put a few goats and a compost bin or something on at least one of his golf courses, so he could claim an ‘agricultural property’ tax exemption. I’ve also heard tell he crashes the asking price on properties he’s trying to sell when taxes are due so he has to pay less, then cranks them

Considering how much he likes to yell about "America First", Trump sure likes to drop a lot of coin overseas for his self-named golf shrines and "luxury lifestyle" developments.