This is Bat Country

The “they did it for the money” is the same line of bullshit serial rapist Bill Cosby uses.

Rightttttt he was convinced he was going to be found innocent. That’s why when they were waiting for the verdict to be read in court, he looked like he was going to S-N-A-P. Fucking psychopath piece of shit. I saw this on t.v. and it was crazy making to hear anything he had to say. Thank god justice prevailed for

I saw it in video of the trial and was put off, but I’m actively disgusted to think he really looked in each jurors eyes and mouthed ‘I didn’t do this.’

So Jannie Ligons “had a bust in the ‘80s.” Talk about being almost a lifetime ago! Has anyone mentioned that “in the ‘80s” Holzclaw was peeing and pooping in a diaper? What a degenerate!

Uhhh...yeah....and his cop car’s GPS/locational tracking data that proved he repeatedly went to all these women’s homes...he’s just being SUPERCOP, martyr to racial-peace in our time, my god, how could we have been so blind. Also, as many other comments have noted, it’s hilarious awful how much his girlfriend has just

I wonder how many men there are in law enforcement with the same mindset who’ve learned from this to keep their mouths shut.

Convicting this shitbag is literally the only thing Oklahoma has done right in the past five years.

Could someone who knows more than I do please explain why they keep saying “allegedly” throughout this piece even though he has been convicted and sentenced? I know that it was for 18 of the 36 charges, but still...I would really appreciate some enlightenment.

There are studies that show that predators like this are happy to admit to raping all their victims, only as long as the word ‘rape’ isn’t used. Just because he had sex with them (consent doesn’t count, because it’s not a factor in his mental processes), doesn’t make him a Rapist! Rapists are Bad People! And he

Ah, Feminazis - again!

Is it just me, or does that sound like a Trumpism?

What I wanted to know is how much harassment and hate the department’s female investigator got while working this case up through today, especially since the rapist’s father also works for the same department and continues to work there today. I bet they made her life miserable, and there wasn’t a single question

I am glad he is so thoroughly proving himself a disgusting human being and eliminating any sympthy people outside the MRA circlejerk had for him.

I think that people need their faces rubbed in the fact that rapists are like this guy. Respectable,well liked,holding down good jobs,too many people think a “real rapist” looks like a bum,w/o a job or friends. Sexual predators could be your neighbor,he could live down the road from you. You could work with him. You

Just when I think it's not possible to hate him more. And now I can add 20/20 to that. It's disgusting that they gave him airtime.

Can’t help wondering: Has Holtzclaw ever undergone a psychiatric evaluation?

Factual facts, the best kind of facts.

Hopefully this shows that as a society we can get things right and criminals like him do face the consequences of their actions.

His choice descriptors of the victims are telling. “Women in those lifestyles”, “...not credible in society”, etc.