This is Bat Country

As Classicblanca says, he seemed to have turned his life around in the last years before his murder, which made it even more sad that he left before showing more of that to the world. I think Yoko is choosing to remember the good times and the best of him.

He seemed to get a clue and changed in last years, FWIW. That’s really not very common in abusers, they rarely change. So I find that quite meaningful with Lennon, as a childhood domestic abuse target myself.

Ever since I found out he was an abusive asshole, I have a lot of issues reconciling my thoughts about him

The last taxi I took, in L.A., the driver switched from jazz to country (after consulting a slip of paper in his pocket I assume had a list of radio stations by genre) after he heard my husband’s and my, well, twangy accents. Yes, we come from a place where people say “wooder” instead of “water,” but we both HATE

As my mom often points out, the Poky Little Puppy was based on a baby pibbles. They are the cutest.

Haha, I fell into the trap and went and looked! I do think she was making a bit of a joke/sarcasm. There is some element of thirst, in that I believe her instagram exists primarily to promote her line of childrens clothing and this tweet was meant to drive people to the place where she shills those wares. But the

I just couldn’t with that one... I’m sorry your weird religious movie failed, no Melissa put those away.

Seconded and also would like to include anyone who talks about “good/positive vibes”. Ugh.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch needs to tone down the thirst. I mean, Jesus.

I kinda hate Whitney Port/Everyone who ever mentions anything about energy when not discussing physics.

Man, Clarissa is THIRSTY.

Wow, did she...use common sense?

I had to read that headline like 3 times because I was sure I was reading it wrong. Also, it’s Friday and I drank at lunch like usual so that might have also contributed to that.

This is not how I was expecting this story to end.

“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

It’s not The Daily Show without some petty feud being declared by Fox.

Oh FUCK HER. This, ladies and gentlemen, is an honest to goodness real life example of someone actually playing “the woman card.” She did a soft ball interview and is now crying sexism that she’s being called out on it. I CAN’T WAIT until Samantha Bee tears her a new one.

Hasn’t she had several shows about the black experience in America and whether racism exists and such? What experience does she have to speak to that?

I’m on Team Megyn because of her pronouncements that Santa and Jesus are real actual factual white men and that that is fact.