But! But! But! It’s wimmenz that are too emotional!
But! But! But! It’s wimmenz that are too emotional!
I keep seeing this on Jezebel, too, and the errors aren’t getting corrected. So somewhere, I think someone decided to correct every instance of the correct “Harington” to “Harrington,” and it’s starting to drive me a little batty.
Hillary was in Pittsburgh a couple of weeks ago. I got to shake her hand. She is very pretty in real life. her eyes are very blue and her skin is beautiful.
Yeah, let’s blame the mom for having her 3 year old out late, rather than the asshole who shot her. More guns for everybody!
Part of me wants to get in my usual fight with the army of MRAs who are going to show up to defend this guy, but this is just too fucking much.
He was probably a really nice guy.
This is a bit misleading. Cleveland High IS racially integrated, about 60/40. East side is 99%black. The real segregation is along income lines.
Hi, I’m a middle aged man, and I cry at cartoon movies.
I like to get racing stripes when I get painted.
This guy thinks he's going to be great at handling foreign policy for the United States. Just saying.
Not to mention all the suits against him that have won. Like the time he was sued by the federal govt for violating the Fair Housing Act by refusing to rent to black people.
New Democratic motto—Badass or Whiny Little: The Choice of Bitch is Yours.
Nice find. Dr. Mark Saginor’s daughter Jennifer wrote a book about growing up in the Playboy Mansion; it’s pretty good.
One for the museums, one for me, one for the museums, one for me...
That’s one of those situations where I’d like to think that I’d be the guy who turns over a single coin, but... deep down I know I probably wouldn’t.
It’s sprayed on for events. You have to go outside basically naked with a team. It’s like getting a car painted.
I had the same reaction. “I fell in love with my costar while we were pretending to fall in love” doesn’t really seem like a great basis for a relationship. But then again, I’m in a committed relationship with my cats, so what do I know?
My life ambition is to be the business partner of a celebrity and make off with $4.7 million.
As a classics major this is SO AMAZING!