This is Bat Country

I’m sure an actual dancer will answer this better, but my understanding is that the tights and shoes are supposed to contribute to the illusion of a long leg line. Or something like that. Never danced ballet in my life!

Could he BE any more fired?

Chocolate is helping. I have a stash of candy bars by my bed so I don’t have to prowl through the house at night for them. I’m Netflixing and not chilling.

...was “incredibly lifelike,” it was “not viable.”

Good news for everyone else; Spurs are being more Spurs-y than ever before in their history! I can only assume Match of the Day will skip the commentary tonight for a continuous loop of “Yakkity Sax”…

Is it as suspicious as this package?

This is the most explosive Man U have been all season.

My brother but that’s mostly through me brainwashing him since he was 15. It’s the same reason he loves Ani Difranco.

I have a friend in her 30s who is constantly devastated that her tindr hookups don’t turn into long-term relationships. I’ve told her a few times that it’s hard to buy a car if you’re shopping at a bike shop, but she refuses to believe that she’s fishing in the wrong pond (to mix metaphors). She still thinks she can

I can understand that, totally. I’ve never wanted kids, and I know that because of some physical issues it would be very difficult/probably impossible for me to get pregnant. But every once in a while I think about what it would be like, or how it would feel to coach my daughter’s softball team, and I get that pang.

Do any of y’all know of someone who makes a mountain out of mole hill when it comes to relationships? And I don’t mean they turn a small problem into a big problem. I mean turning a few dates into a relationship. I spent a really long car ride with a friend who spent the entire time talking about the man she’s been

Anyone still up? My baby is a month old and is now as of a week ago a horrible sleeper. We may try to go to bed anywhere from 9-11pm and sometimes she will not settle until 3 or 4. The hubs went back to work this week so that sucks so much. We are running on so little sleep. I know that’s cliche and everyone says it

I’ve seen them live at least a dozen times (and have been @ several meet & greets) and I’m pretty straight (adjacent). They’re very lovely people who make wonderful music.

My husband loves them.

I always forget how complicated little girl friendships are. I moved around a lot but at every school I would end up being friends with 2 or 3 other girls and everyone would play the other ones off against each other. Like, from first grade on! Then someone else is on the outs and yesterday’s not-friend gets invited

People who love someone who has a mental illness that sometimes causes that person to say or do scary, confusing or hurtful things: how do you deal? How can you help? Can you help? I love my boyfriend so much and this week has been so difficult. I’ve been so worried for him and felt so isolated and shut out that I’ve

We have hares. I saw one my first day at my new place, in the back yard. And today one scampered down the street out front then ducked into our yard to eat dandelions. (I think that’s what it’s eating.) I need to work on my video skills, because they’re cool to watch. Here’s a pic from Tuesday.

Are there any other straight guys who unironically love Tegan and Sara or is it just me? Like I’ve legitimately been listening to and following them for the last 10 years or so and absolutely love everything they do. Even their latest poppier stuff.

I know he’s not popular around here (for obvious reasons) but I literally cannot stop listening to Eminem lately. Idk what it is, but his music has been getting me through the day, especially the song “Renegade” by him and Jay-Z. That is a great song.

Drink of choice = flat coke. I went cold turkey off of prescription opiates which I used as prescribed, but the taper ended where my dose began. So I just bit the bullet and did it. I’ve been a leaking bag of crap since Thursday. Milky Ways help increase my natural dopamine production, but alas, they are only