This is Bat Country

Sure, in 1993. Now they’re called Riley, Chase, or Carson.

I mean, I know white people, I have white friends. My white friends are good white people.

My roommate and her boyfriend are both super Republican and now there are fucking bowtie catalogs in my apartment. Catalogs specifically for bowties. They exist.

Please. Much better than either of those. Sealed chamber. Change out the air with nitrogen. The person will fall asleep and never wake up. The only downside is that you have to wait a while to make sure they are dead-dead.

Considering it was a form of public entertainment, that might backfire on you.

That is a beautiful yet harrowing image.

Madras!!!! It’s the harlequin of the plaid world!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite this douchy in a long time, and I freaking live in douche central! Even at the Vineyard Vines warehouse sale last spring, the dude bros weren’t this kitted up. (We even have our own Lily Pulitzer store too.) I guess if they’d been wearing harlequin searsucker pants, that

Funny thing is, I used to wear bow ties, and I would still too, as long as I don’t see myself in pictures, I would also like to punch myself in the face.

Glorious. Simply glorious. I inhaled some shrimp laughing at this - brilliance.

Ladies, just imagine that every punch to the face of a guy named Chad or Blaine is actually a smash in the larger, collective face of the Patriarchy.

Word for word what I was just about to post but ya beat me to it.
Such thuggery.

Sorry. But I don’t buy any of them eating tacos. Ever.

this is my new favorite thing

Seeing this gives me the shivers, because these are the sort of guys I was totally into in my high school years/definitely owned some pastel clothing. Yikes. Glad I got to college and realized I should run in the other direction... My tattoos and piercings are much happier than these people :)

pound in the face of a man in a bow tie and boat shoes

If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight, and if not, split and reevaluate. But first kick him in the chest with your Sperry top-sider.

What a bunch of thugs. When will the white community address the culture of violence prevalent in their community?

Kaden must’ve studied The Art of War, because when Tyler biffs it, he moves in for the kill shot before either Hunter or Jaxon can help.

All of these men are my boyfriends. They were fighting over my taco: I said whoever won could eat it. But while they were fighting I ate it myself. It was my last one. Next time I go to Taco Bell, I’ll be sure to get a 12 pack.