This is Bat Country

Most of the anti-vaxxers I’ve known have been smug yuppies from TO, though. The same privileged people who do things like eschew sugar and give their kids raw carrot truffles instead, like someone mentioned upthread.

I live in an area with a large Mennonite population, and there are several orders of Mennonites. New-order Mennonites tend to be fairly liberal (very, very peace and community oriented, female ministers are just fine, academic achievement is just fine, gathering wealth and showing it off is kind of ostentatious. Not

True, but they also ignored their chosen naturopath’s advice to go to ER. Special brand of fucking crazy, if you ask me.

We don’t seem to have nearly as many religious nut jobs as you folks do. When we do find religious extremists who seem like they will end up being intolerable assholes who nobody will be able to work with we usually exile them.

Yes we talk funny and our anti-vaxxers are quite stupid. I don’t know just how outspoken they can get, as I only know one mother who was anti-vaccine, but she “unfriended” all of her friends who felt compelled to respond to her posts about the “evidence” linking vaccines to certain neurological disorders. She didn’t

They are. In interviews, they don’t seem very upset about the death of their child. They just complain that they are being prosecuted by “big pharma” as part of a ploy to make money off of vaccines.

Holy shit and mega sorry for you being involved with that mess! Isn’t that actual abuse, though, to not treat your kid or just “put them in the sun” instead of treating a sore-laden rash?? Like, there’s wacky, and there’s abuse via negligence. What the goddamn fuck? She is the worst, and also dangerous.

You’re forgiven. It’s a very good pun.

You get a star for your effort.

I’m in Vancouver and our neighbours are anti-vaxxers. They had their first kid when I had my second, and she was super judgemental that I vaccinated and used formula. The weird part is that she also used formula BUT SHE MADE HER OWN which sounded... not safe. Once day she came over and asked me if my kids had ever had

Well, nobody’s died of an airplane falling from the sky onto the daycare either, but I’m pretty sure that’s an argument for NOT repealing air safety regulations.

God was all I already gave you the means to save him; it’s called SCIENCE.

They don’t trust the FDEh.

(I’M SORRY CANADA I SAW A PUN AND I WENT FOR IT. I don’t know who actually monitors vaccines in Canada because I am an ignorant dirtperson).

Ontarian here—I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. A big factor in the difference is that the whole religious freedom/free speech thing operates very differently here. If you say or do something horrible/idiotic, especially something racist/sexist/homophobic, you can’t play the “strongly held religious belief”

I know a NURSE who refuses to vaccinate her children. I want to slap her upside the head every time I see her. But, being a polite Canadian, I say “sorry” and move on.

No, I’m saying in Canada the Mennonites are a completely different sect from those in the states. I lived in PA and you always see the Amish/Mennonite in the city for the children’s hospital. The ones in Canada are basically just Duggar-esque vs buggies and beards.

Fucking Dunning Kruger.

This. My father (from whom I am estranged) is an anti-vaxxer because he says he poured over all of the (bogus) “science” of it. He’s very well-read on pure bullshit.

Unfortunately, I think you may be correct. The demographics of anti-vaxxers in Canada don’t indicate that a lack of scientific information is the problem;

I mean, I fully support this, but good god is it fodder for the “reeducation” conspiracy theorists out there.