Was it wrong? Am I mad? Is that all? Does he miss me? Was he suddenly getting bored with me?
ugh my fave
Was it wrong? Am I mad? Is that all? Does he miss me? Was he suddenly getting bored with me?
ugh my fave
Sometimes, Lissargh, I frighten myself :(
Well then TBH you frighten me. So much anger.
Well now I do.
Does anyone only read quotes from Garry Marshall as played by Paul F Tompkins? Just me then?
Phantom of the Opera also got me into theatre, my mother took to every play she possibly could including an inordinate amount of Nutcracker plays including African takes, middle school productions, and Russian performances. Cats is the only play we’ve ever walked out. To this day, we think Grizabella is still singing…
It happens all the time. I’m actually Gordon Ramsay.
Agreed! Many small town theatre kids (such as myself) have to go through their ALW phase before they find out about Sondheim
“I mean, she’s crazy,” he hissed.
I’m furious because I really believe she’s the most fantastically talented girl
Semi-counterpoint, while as an adult I agree that Cats is dreadful, as a little kid, seeing Cats and The Phantom of the Opera was awesome and sparked an interest in theatre and the arts. And oftentimes in smaller cities these shows are the only type of musical theatre that they get.
was it the “amazingly” that classified it as shade? i’m so basic.
I think it was?
To be fair, in families the baby of the family is always seen as the baby. I’m 33 and my dad looks at me and sees me as a 6 year old. My brother? I’m perpetually 10 years old to him. Like, he gets that I’m an adult but if he were told to give people a mental image of what I look like, I’m 10 and he’s kicking my butt…
“bitch, that’s not whipped cream that comes out of the bra. no, you don’t want to know what it actually is. you smell amazeballs, by the way.”
Oh my god Jermaine you’re never going to believe this. Jermaine. Jermaine. You know Janet? Janet Jackson? The “baby”?
Kimmay? Sure, OK.