This is Bat Country

It really is. I don’t understand how that’s an acceptable assumption to make. Do none of these people order pizza on a weekly basis? They also said he’d order sandwiches and pasta, are these not foods that lots of people eat and yet we don’t assume when they have health problems that it must be because they regularly

Not that I ever thought you wouldn’t be, but I find it so God-damned depressing how right you were.

I didn’t adopt but I mentor. You’ll meet you kid and fall in love with them and yes it can be hard at the beginning but oh my god it’s so rewarding that at the end you will forget that you did not birth them.

We knew we were ordering from our local Chinese delivery place too much when they showed up to our new apartment and they a) remarked that we had moved and b) said that our cat had gotten fatter.

*awaits all the comments suggesting that his medical issues were due to a lot of pizza*

I love this story! I was saved by my consierge checking on me and calling 911 a few years back. I used to walk by her to use the gym every morning at the same time. On the 3rd day that I didn’t show she came looking for me. I had a bad reaction to new medication and was completely out of it. I had a very serious

And yet eating all that Dominoes over the years turned out to be the thing that saved his life? Life really is crazy sometimes...

Hee hee— we can’t wait until the kiddo is old enough to tell her she was conceived in the pool! It’s going to gross her out so much!

There can be so much variation in sibling groups. One of my sisters had to try for years for each of her children (with all the tests and treatments), while I fall pregnant if my husband so much as gives me a come-hither look unless military-grade precautions are taken. Take heart!


Not defective. What you are doing is wonderful. Speaking as an adopted child, you will experience a bond and a love unlike any you’ve ever experienced in your life and that very few people in the world get to know. My mother is no less of a mother because she didn’t birth me herself, is in no way defective, and in no

I would sometimes prop my hips up with a pillow, knowing it was silly, but thinking why not.

There’s like a 2% chance that I want children, and a 2% chance that I can conceive them. So I guess that works out.

Try not to worry. That you got pregnant once before is a good indicator that you’ll likely be able to conceive again. At least, that’s what my doctor told me. And here I am with a two-year-old son, who sometimes I wish I could return to the sender, but mostly love to death.

My favorite “advice” was “just stop thinking about it, and it will happen.” Um, no. We waited until the exact perfect time, even though everyone always said, “if you wait until the perfect time, you’ll never have a baby!” And I was ready to be pregnant NOW. I was in my early 30's, nearing the end of my graduate degree

I am almost forty and Mrs court is 33 /we are trying and I am scared to death knowing my advanced age and having worked with children with autism for seventeen years and the fact that severe depression runs wildly on both sides of our families don’t help either/sorry just ranting here I just want our child to not

I came here to say exactly this - I "worked" on getting pregnant from about age 38-40 when I realized that actually making a baby wasn't my goal, being a mother was. We adopted our daughter 10 years ago and not a day goes by where I don't feel grateful that we did it this way. Adoption is not easy, but it's the best

I always thought I wanted kids so it was shitty when my Obgyn was like ‘so listen your ovaries don’t really work properly and in the future there are probably treatments we can try buttttt...’ Of course that was before I decided I couldn’t deal with having a partner, or passing down this genetic mental bullshit or my

“You should hang upside down after sex.”

Adoption was actually our first choice. That makes us in the definite minority. We were lucky enough to adopt 5 beautiful babies. I sincerely don’t want to sound meanspirited but I have never been so in love with my own genes that I felt that I HAD to pass them on.