This is Bat Country

I know at least one guy who is totally not surprised by this.

An AK-47 is a weapon designed for war, and so insanely reliable at killing, it’s inventor even once pondered whether he was responsible for the untold mountains of dead at the end of it’s muzzle. This man is not fit to stand trial, yet perfectly fit to buy an AK and stockpile 8 other weapons. Because anything else

I am certain that, had Dear been told to shoot these people by Allah and not Jesus, that we would be just as compassionate about the state of his mental health.

Thank you for bringing this up.

Now if only the anti-choice nuts could be declared legally unfit to propose legislation...

FWIW, being found incompetent to stand trial is different from an insanity defense. When you’re incompetent you go to a mental hospital and are medicated until you can have a basic understanding of what’s going on in the court room. Then you stand trial. He may ultimately present an insanity defense at his jury trial,

When a mad dog attacks and kills someone, we put the owner of the mad dog on trial: Arrest and prosecute the makers of that Planned Parenthood “sting” video.

From what people who were around this guy had said he really is mentally ill (unlike say the OKLAHOMA city bomber). I mean if he isn’t actually crazy he’s been doing a good job at playing unhinged for years.

I’m Canadian. Harper tried desperately for nine years to drag us into the same attitude as the States, but he failed.

“killed three and saved 3,000 babies.”

And even if he’d been found not guilty by insanity, he’d still be in a secure treament facility for the rest of his life. The article didn’t say otherwise, I just know a lot of people have this image of “the insanity defense” as a get out of jail free card, when a lot of defense attorneys feel that an insanity finding

This. He hasn’t been found not guilty by reason of insanity, which is different. If treatment is effective he could go on trial for something eventually. And frankly, we don’t know if he’s decompensated further since the murders took place.

I just came by to say YAAAAAAAS QUEEN. I see what you did there.

It basically amounts to if your mind is working enough for you to stand trial. Being declared mentally incompetent to stand trial isn’t being declared innocent; it’s them saying that, at this point in time, you’re mentally unhinged enough that they do not believe a fair trial is currently possible.

Idris is sitting there like “wtf?”

I love that weird bit of doublethink that runs through the religious right in the US. You are supposed to have this bizarre sort of 'communication' with God, wherein he affirms what you wanted to do anyway (at least, that is how it typically seems to work). But actually hearing voices makes you a nut. So God hasn't

Maybe, maybe not. On one hand, look at him and listen to his statements, pretty unhinged. On the other hand, if he ever “un-crazys” himself, he’ll still be on the hook. Incompetency to stand trial doesn’t waive charges and stays any applicable statutes of limitations, so he’s still going to get the book eventually.

Just a quick reminder that being found incompetent to stand trial does not mean he is off the hook. He is going to be held in a secure psychiatric facility, and will face trial in the even he is ever found to be competent.

You can’t study enough to make your eyes do that. I usually call bullshit on the insanity defense thing, and would love to in this case, but healthy people can’t fake exophthalmos.

Then that means he’s competent enough to be join the GOP....