This is Bat Country

It’s discouraging that so many white women are willing to overlook that Donald Trump will treat us like shit because they think he’ll treat Mexicans even worse.

Yeah, protests never happened on college campuses before “this SWJ bullshit became trendy."

Marry me!

I totally would join the MBPAPPA.

I’m a killer whale and I’m super offended. I’m so offended that I will never forgive you - unless you give me some buckets of fish. Lots and lots of buckets of fish. Basically, this is a shakedown for buckets of fish. I’m not even really a killer whale. I just like buckets of fish.

One of my favorite movies.

I have made roughly 10,000 wrong predictions about Donald Trump this election cycle.

So FWIW, you’ve been such a good ambassador for your state that every time Florida craziness pops up, I think, But on the other hand, there’s Randilyn...

There are a lot of good nicknames in this thread but YOU WIN. Pack it up, everyone, we’re done here.

How awesome is it that we have enough lady justices to compare and contrast them?

I can’t blame you for being annoyed with 500 days of Kristin. But just in case you haven’t already checked it out, the answer to your question is no. No one gives a shit about Kristen Cavallari. The series is meant to be a joke, a parody. Whether the joke is still/was ever funny or entertaining, that’s a matter of

I am all about Bernie, but there’s no question that the FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT is one hell of a consolation prize.

Piss and vinegar and slavery.

It’s pretty simple. Most sexual assault claims are true, so statistically, it’s more likely that Kesha is telling the truth.

Vote Whiskeyprayer 2016!

If you end up getting one for your cat, please post a photo of your cat wearing it!

Maybe by lying? Idk

“Y’all” really grates on my ears, but there’s no question English needs a word for 'you (plural)' and I don’t have a better suggestion. Carry on!

Jawn = Rita Ora

When the Penn State/Jerry Sandusky scandal broke, I started wondering if Michael Jackson was innocent. I had always just assumed he was guilty, but someone with his access to children would have dozens of victims, right? Not just the one?