The prizes for that game are terrible.
The prizes for that game are terrible.
I also think there may have actually been some discussion beforehand, but Sheen doesn’t remember it because he was high AF.
I am always impressed when someone realizes that they made a mistake and owns up to it publicly. Nice work.
I didn’t think of doing that! But I am really glad now that I’ve been to embarrassed to star my own comments.
As a woman, just let me say that there is nothing that attracts me more than a bitter racist who is picking on a child.
I wondered what the hell was going on with Bon Morte, who I remembered as being entertaining and not a troll. Thanks for clearing that up.
OT: Now all I want to do is drink martinis and watch arrested development.
Yes! Express Scribe is transcription software you can download for free. I know some transcription companies use that. Also, I highly recommend getting a foot pedal. I have a VEC USB model I like, but you might need something different, depending on your setup. They’re about 50 bucks. My training is in court…
Maybe as penance, you have to fuck a Bernie Sanders supporter? I just know that people here are going to be more concerned about you than judging you. Like, “oh no! Not a Rubio supporter! Are you doing okay???”
Fellow transcriptionist fist bump! I just do work for insurance companies about car accidents - I’ve never been so thankful for that. Yikes.
Cat shit for everyone!
I can’t speak for everyone, but I mostly cope by using denial. For instance, did you know that this primary is irrelevant because Bernie Sanders is already president?
All the smart people just post pictures of cats.
I’m so fucking inspired after reading those, Bobby, that I think I might explode. Do you sell prints?
Well said. Also, I suddenly feel compelled to join the navy. Wierd.
Oh, my god, there’s not a pass hard enough for that shit.
I think there’s value in reminding people (like me!) that you can’t just write off a whole state or region. It’s so easy to fall into that kind of all-or-nothing thinking. But I think part of being an adult is recognizing that the world is complicated.
I was just super excited that someone had asked a question I knew the answer to! Had to look up what “colostrum” was called, though. I just remembered it as “that yellowish goo that leaks everywhere.”
I think you made a strong case in favor of Florida elsewhere in the thread. The pictures of your neighborhood almost made me die of jealousy - winter in the PNW is getting to me.