This is Bat Country

Wine coven sounds nice, but TBH I’d rather join a gin coven.

I have a 9-month-old, and this thread is terrifying me.

I wish DH stood for Designated Hitter in this context. It would make peoples’ posts much more interesting. Especially saying things like “DH is watching the kids tonight,” because I just picture David Ortiz stopping by to babysit.

“Spouse” is the best choice. Gender neutral, professional, clear.

Great question. DH is worse for me because they’re trying to hide the overly cutesy language behind an acronym.

And it’s much easier not to do blackface than to do blackface. Trust me. Every day, I wake up and don’t put on blackface makeup. Easy-peasy.

I would love, LOVE for Sandy Hook to have been a hoax and not a soul-crushing, real-life tragedy. But you don’t get to choose. The Sandy Hook shooting really happened. The devastation is real. But it’s not enough for these people to comfort themselves with lies, no. They aren’t content to just lie to themselves in the

I’ve been starring both the pro- and anti-ESOTSM comments because I’m trying to create drama.

Oh, you’re living your best life, no question. Here’s an example of why that comma is important:

That missing direct address comma really gets to me for some reason. So basically, I should stop reading all comments on the internet.


We had some family in town this weekend, and they offered to babysit our toddler so we could go see a movie. Instead of going to see Spectre, I decided to sleep a few extra hours and have a dream about Daniel Craig instead.

I wish SO MUCH that realizing a fear is irrational actually made the fear stop. But it’s rare that that happens.

Yeah, just in case I thought I had seen all the barf-inducing facets of this case, I find out in the comments that, yep, there’s also racism.

Everyone knows that Murderometry is just cheap pseudoscience. Murderology? Now that’s an intellectually rigorous discipline.

Have you considered swimming goggles? Those might keep your eyes at least in the vicinity of your skull. And bonus - your classmates will probably give you a wide berth after that.

I think you mean “Thanks, Slab Bulkhead.”

You totally called it, amazing.

So. Much.

SPOILER ALERT: Women turn out to be human, just like Tucker Max allegedly is. What a shocking turn of events that absolutely no one could have predicted when his moronic first book was published!