
Also, unless shooting her caused a sharp turn away from him, he was obviously not in danger since the car continued another 50 feet and he wasn’t hit.

No, they did replace all of the characters with a Hemsworth brother (not the good one) for season 2 though.

Sine I Miss Splinter decided to dismiss my reply to them, I’ll ask here.
Does this give them an opportunity to come back later and invalidate the whole ballot since they forced in this non-medical/non-legal nonsense language?

I’m worried that they did this so they can fight it when it passes. Since unborn child isn’t a thing, the whole ballot measure is moot.

I think it meant “triggering the cutscene”, not a triggering cutscene

Does it address the edge panning issue where it centers and locks the screen every time it changes characters? It’s incredibly annoying and wasn’t like that in the early access.

the state Attorney General said the law didn’t violate the rule because both issues are health-related

I hadn’t seen the name before and just thought “poor kid”

Nebraska already tried that with the latest ballot initiative that passed, we voted to increase minimum wage in 2022 and some of the legislators got to work right away to carve out some people/positions from that increase.

The judge said Shry had been criminally charged four times in the past year for “similar conduct” and was convicted twice.

The only time I’ve used it so far was with the hag, she begged for her life to Astarion instead of my main and he needed a 20 to intimidate her with a -1 penalty.
I did the whole fight again and made sure to save when she was getting low, didn’t really matter since the dialogue went to the right character on the

Depends on what you consider to be the more successful title. He was paid over $2 million a year as a coach, he’s not even getting $200k (officially) as a senator.

Is your first suggestion a possibility? Regardless of the tommy tuber bullshit, it seems like something that should already be happening. I assume military bases all have medical facilities, they should just make them comprehensive.

Only 6 miles in an hour?  Is there just a ton of traffic or a lot of people riding for a block or two?

Good for the drivers (if Lyft & Uber are bluffing), but that’s a really shitty headline. It’s millions of $$, not 51 cents.

Same, I’m not even sure how they’re meant to be used.  Do you press with palm?

I assume the thinking is that everyone that was going to see it in theaters will have done so after 7 weeks, then they open it up for everyone that isn’t doing theaters to pay for it at home before the hype dies down.

To use your car analogy, this would be like putting a Honda Civic radiator into a Ford F350 and saying that it’s junk because it couldn’t keep things cool.

I did Paladin for a couple levels then MC’d into Warlock

I think your second point is a lot of it. I picked my character based on what I felt would round out the group best.