
There’s a theory that Bran/3ER exists outside of time, and has manipulated people at key moments in the history of Westeros. If Bran dies, then maybe the previous incarnations of the 3ER are erased along with him, and the existing history of Westeros simply unravels. 

Would be is right.

Fair point. I’d forgotten about the resurrection angle. But Danaerys (or her medieval legal team) might make the counterargument that Jon’s death vitiated his right of succession, for the same reason that it freed him from his vow.

That, and also. . . isn’t Jon the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch? If he’s still in the Night’s Watch, then only Danaerys has the power to release him from his vow of service; and unless he’s released from that vow, he has no right to claim any titles or land. I think that’s literally somewhere in the oath, but

True; and also, Jon renounced his rights of succession when he joined the Night’s Watch. He’ll only have a true claim to the Iron Throne if Danaerys chooses to release him from that vow. . . which, based on her reaction to the news that her new boyfriend is actually Aegon Targaryen, the [Whatever]th Of His Name”, she

Also, in the books, the dragons are supposed to be hot, to the point of burning the flesh of any mere mortals who touch them. Jon’s a Targaryen, but he got burned by a simple torch in Season One, so he clearly doesn’t have the same kind of immunity to fire and heat as Danaerys. Maybe he’s ok because the ambient

I can’t believe I had to get this far into the thread to find someone who noticed that. 

Agreed. What is it that the Whisperers would want from these communities in the first place? They think that walls and security are an illusion, and they can’t carry more than the bare minimum of material possessions if they’re going to blend in as Walkers. As long as they’re living this lifestyle, all that human

If the developers wanted to make the game a challenge for people old enough to have survived it on the PS1, they could have spared themselves the effort and let our age-dulled reflexes do the work for them. Plus, for horror, there’s nothing quite like realizing that you’re not only losing, but losing because of your

Ok, yes. But in what world does Eugene think a 20' jump straight down with a zombie herd approaching is a safer play than saying “Hey, Rosita, can you come help me with the ladder?”

If a society based on lynch mob revenge can’t work, then just cut the Saviors loose. They have no food or weapons or leadership, so they’ll just drift off to distant lands if you let them.”

You make some great points, but it’s just as likely that Maggie and Darryl are ahead of the curve on this issue.

Actually, that’s a perfect reason to pick Daryl for the job. The Saviors can only be governed through fear, so putting them under the control of someone who has every reason to kill them and is just waiting for an excuse is a pretty good strategy (insofar as it solves the savior problem either way it plays out).

I can actually almost understand why Rick would put that guy on Siren 2 (it keeps him away from the group and gives him something nice and boring to do as punishment); and I can understand why Rick wouldn’t check in with everyone before giving the go-ahead (he’s an idiot known for skipping basic precautions); and I

Ok, sure. . . but having seen firsthand what Chinese state media censors will actually allow on TV (both the Beijing and Shanghai “flavors”), I can assure you that the non-Chinese market for that content is minuscule for the Shanghai version of censor-friendly media, and close to zero for Beijing’s. Plus, China will

Apple knows how to up its game, though. I’ve gone from being satisfied with my lack of an Apple TV unit to being downright ecstatic that I don’t have one.

Did we actually see Ashley in the flashbacks? 

There’s nothing illegal about owning antifreeze, rat poison, or whatever prescription medications Adora used as her primary ingredients. . .separately. But the act of mixing those things together, even taken by itself, creates a fairly distinct impression that she was trying to poison someone.

If Camille had done that, the police chief would have probably arrested *her* for poisoning her sister, all those years ago. Pretty much nothing -including a tip from the homicide detective- was ever going to induce him to investigate Adora if there was any conceivable way for him to avoid it. 

I found it pretty surprising, mostly because I’d already entertained Amma and her “Prayer of the Rollergirls” gang as prime suspects, and given up on them because, really, they’re just a bunch of teenage airheads.