
Agreed. The nadir of Stan's professional rep was around the middle of last season, when it looked like Agent WILLOW was a legitimate defector and Stan was wasting time chasing after her while almost everyone else in his life (right down to the frikkin' mail robot) was a KGB operative or mole.

This show has to be at least somewhat popular, to have gotten this many renewals.

I didn't recognize him either, and missed out on the most powerful moment in the episode. All that set-up, and they couldn't have taken two lines of dialogue to make sure we all knew who he was?

If we take the characters at their word, Judith would have been conceived at least a month or two into the zombie apocalypse, which means that she'd have been born on or about the 1 year anniversary of the outbreak. If she's 2, then we're in year 3. If she's 3, we're in year 4. . .

I'd like to see him genuinely switch sides and live, because he really is too valuable to kill.

I agree. Eugene made the only move that was possible for him. . .and it might have less of a long-term downside for him than we think. Whoever ends up in charge of the Known Postapocalyptic World after the war (Rick, Ezekiel, Neegan, a Jedi Council of some sort), Eugene's particular skillset is still just as useful

I'm not sure how time is working on the show, but I think it's closer to 5 years than 2. But it's interesting that nobody ever seems to mention how long it's been.

The Saviors were sent to make a collection run. It really shouldn't have gotten as out of control as it did. If Negan had wanted to shake the Kingdom down to produce Darryl (and inspect the Kingdom for themselves if he's not forthcoming), he'd have sent an army.

I'd have said that as well, but based on the sparse comment threads here (which I wasn't expecting), I'm not certain that there's going to be a Season 2.

That's one of the two pitfalls of deterrence: the risk that the other side will become so agitated that they'll decide to pull the trigger and damn the cost. The other pitfall of deterrence is the risk that the other side will become complacent that your side will never, under any circumstances, go through with it.

I would have guessed that he joined some mercenary company, except that every mercenary company in the world has already made an appearance in the various Wars of Danaerys, sans Gendry.

Ezekiel seems to be doing a poor job of keeping the Saviors at bay. They're experts at figuring out which settlements are truly willing to fight, and which are just bluffing. . . and his habit of acquiescing when put to the test is coming dangerously close to telegraphing weakness.

Fair. But it does kind of start with one. . . .

I believe you're confusing this with the animated version of H.P. Lovecraft's beloved children's classic, "The Doom that Came to Sarnath". To this day, I still smile fondly when I remember the "nacreous, putrescent Owls of dusk-entwined Ib" twerking with the Corpse-Priests of Sarnath.

I listened pretty carefully to the funeral service and the accompanying sermon, and I didn't catch a single reference to anything remotely supernatural, let alone Christian in nature. I think this was a "church" of ideology alone.

I'm pretty sure he isn't personally filming nuclear explosions and military mass-executions of Resistance fighters from close-up. . and even if he could somehow appear in these locations and shoot footage without being captured or killed, why would he go to the additional trouble of making his work look exactly like a

My sense is that time is a constant across all the parallel timelines, but in some of them San Francisco gets nuked a bit sooner. If that's the case, then the newsreels showing the aftermath of the blast are from timelines in which events unfolded a bit faster.

It's still meant to be mysterious, but from Tagomi's storyline, my working theory is that Root is physically visiting these alternate universes and somehow swiping reels of film from them.

I loved Maggie's catch too. It was a nice, subtle touch in a show that has too few of them.

Don't we get enough of those scenes with Judith? How many baby characters can this show support when there's barely any writing for the adults?