
Ford wouldn't. . . but Maeve probably needs MiB (and the rest of the VIPs from the reception) to go back out into the world in order to conceal the fact that they've just been massacred at the behest of a rogue AI.

Carl did have a plan when he arrived. . . it was just a preposterously stupid one. He assumed that Negan would show up to unload his tribute truck personally, whereupon Carl could simply pop out of hiding and shoot him in the face.

Yes, we do; but he could have at least tried to kill Negan instead of hesitating to pull the trigger on one of the single most shootable characters in the history of the show. Let him miss, or just wing Negan, or have Negan be wearing a Kevlar vest under that jacket (because, honestly, if Negan acts like this and he is

Exactly. Carl didn't have to actually succeed in killing Negan, but it's unfair to (what little there is of) Carl's character to have him balk at pulling the trigger on Negan yet again.

I think you pegged it. The show needed Hemsworth offstage for the same reason that Glengarry Glen Ross needed Pacino's character to be somewhere else when Alec Baldwin dropped by.

You're right. The difference between the two characters is immediately obvious, if you know what to look for, but Wright doesn't hit us over the head with it.

So Carl failed to shoot Negan when he had the chance because. . .why? It would have been refreshing if Carl had at least tried to kill him the second he did his Negan routine of fearlessly walking out in front of someone with a gun and began his Bond Villian harangue.

Maybe Ford is creating a narrative in which he murders all the Park's wealthy, powerful guests and replaces them with Host robots who then go out and use their high positions in society to turn the rest of the world into a sadistic theme park that explores his various story ideas.

All great points. Regarding your point 12, though, by the MiB timeline, the hosts are all made of organic material, including the dealer he scalps. MiB was specifically commenting on cutting a host open and finding intricate mechanical components, which would only have happened in the Logan timeframe or earlier.

My guess is that Liz just boosted the first car she saw after getting away.

That's a solid theory, based on what I've seen so far. . . but if the Delos Corporation is willing to take on the risks inherent in playing around with humanity's most potentially dangerous discovery since gunpowder chemical weapons nuclear weapons genetically engineered bioweapons the dawn of time, why on earth would

It does in fact look like you called >90% of the story. This also supports my own sub-theory that HBO downvoted your post to block it for plot spoilers. . . ;-)

Yes, but even if Logan died, his money would go to his sister, not to William. Whether it's her money, his money, or both, they'd both have to die for William to inherit.

I think your last sentence is spot-on. Arnold was responsible for allowing Dolores to become sentient, and it seems that Ford made some modifications to Arnold's views on that subject when he was making Bernard. If he hadn't, Bernard would have taken a completely different approach to Maeve on the two occasions when

Forgive me if I missed a turn somewhere, but when did we learn that Dolores' debriefings were with Arnold and not with Bernard? Is it because Bernard did his callous best to extinguish any hint of sentience in Maeve whereas he cautiously nurtured it in Dolores?

That's plausible, although William at this point in his story isn't even remotely wealthy enough to do that. He's just an Executive V.P. It's Logan's family that has all the money. For William to end up saving Delos, it's Logan's sister who would have to die (after marrying William).

Well, yes. . . but Euchrid raises an extremely interesting point. Exactly when did Dolores kill Arnold? If William's timeline is taking place 30 years before the MiB's timeline, then Arnold could still be alive in it and it's certain that Bernard, can't be (it seems to have taken Ford quite a while to build him, based

I wonder about that. Considering how much time the hosts spend getting shot at, blown up, and burned to a crisp. . . implanting actual explosives in their spines could compromise the safety of the guests. These wouldn't be itty-bitty carotid artery poppers- that runaway host had to beat his head in with what looked

It is. Forgive me if this has already been noted, but it has some very interesting selections. For instance, the song it plays during one of the early shootouts is "Black Hole Sun".

The park doesn't really do subtlety, though. Or normalcy. A few of the shopkeepers on Sweetwater's Main Street probably do behave in the way you're describing, since the guests need at least the basic shops in town to actually function as advertised. . . but people looking to take part in a subtle drama or romantic