
Now that you mention it, Orion didn't look exactly like Orion.

That's true, but the gravity on Mars would be .5 or so, so even if they put a giant dome over the park they'd need to somehow mess with gravity.

I suspect about half the buildings in Sweetwater are in-world "rooming houses" and saloons with bunks upstairs. . .but really, you're supposed to wander around, camp under the stars. . .that sort of thing.

Some of the characters have loops that seem to repeat every day, but the park itself has an overarching storyline that seems to last at least a week. The group that was "supposed to arrive two days ago" is one example of this, and another would be the gang of bandits that show up to rob the saloon "a week early" in

The constellation Orion is a plot feature, which probably means that the show is set on Earth. Unless the entire sky is simulated, in which case the park would have to be in an underground cavern of some sort.


If she knew about the game, Hillary would probably like to see herself as Symmetra (a hero with very weak attacks but decent defenses, whose primary purpose is to selfelessly support the other players), but in actuality she's a D.Va. . . . which is to say a tank with weak, short-range attacks and low maneuverability,

Honestly, in terms of his abilities and overall aesthetic, he's clearly a Roadhog. Everything from the chain hook that makes it impossible to look away from him to the "Ultimate Attack" that in reality does almost nothing beyond making him vulnerable. . .but the players of Roadhogs tend to be collaborative "greater

I love the idea of HBO making an HBO show that's essentially about why people watch HBO shows. So far, every "Guest" we've seen is a parody of some portion of the HBO audience demographic. (If you're wondering who the "Man in Black" represents, it's us. . . ruthlessly cracking open and dissecting the show to get to

"The hotel doesn’t appear to have any power—the only lights I’ve noticed are the emergency lights. So how does Alicia’s phone still work?"

New York doesn't have that policy, probably because it seems unfair to give the prosecution the first word and the last word in a case, and also because there's too much potential for abuse.

I don't think Chandra's character got enough screen time, and she definitely doesn't get enough credit. Her decision to put Naz on the stand is presented as a reckless disaster. . . and the way the other characters react to it (Stone especially) makes it hard for the audience to draw any other conclusion. The thing

I can't, right now, fully articulate WHY. . .

One of these days, a Final Fantasy installment will make good on the first word of the franchise's name, by being final. And that's the one I'll buy.

I don't think the knife that Naz was found with is the murder weapon. Like Naz himself, it would have been sluiced in blood if it was. . .and it's not. Also, there's the issue of motive. Naz doesn't have any history (that we know of) of crime, violence, or mental illness of any kind. What are they going to tell the

I missed the irony of that detail: The case against Naz is so flawed that even Nancy Grace is having doubts!

I think Naz might have been willing to plead guilty, if doing so hadn't required him to concoct a fake story about exactly how he killed Andrea. For an innocent person, that's got to be almost impossible.

I think they might be. Why else would Fiore be scared? We've seen him get fake killed at least a dozen times, often on purpose. It means nothing whatsoever to him.

It's a far-flung theory with very little evidence, but I think it's possible that Andrea was killed for reasons having something to do with whatever weird drug her and Nas were taking before they went home.

I'm not trying to pick internet fights with strangers either, but Stone doesn't dress remotely like a guy who takes home 150k. Even in New York, that's enough to buy at least one decent suit and a raincoat that doesn't look like he stole it from the homeless guy at the beginning of The Terminator.