
It happens. Absent any stimulation, the Walkers seem to go dormant. The "Sewer Zombies" from last week's episode are another example. One factor seems to be the loss of vision (the sewer zombies and the greenhouse zombies both looked like they had lost their eyesight), and another factor might be simple wear and tear.

Agreed. The pursuers were offscreen, but I got the distinct impression that they were maybe a dozen feet away, looking right at them, when they somehow managed to take advantage of a .5 second distraction to scramble out of sight.

I'm not sure how wise it is to build a towering fortress of steel that can be accessed by flipping over a manhole cover a few hundred feet away from the walls and just strolling in, especially when there's no second line of defense (the Baron's mansion looks like a wood-framed house with a bunch of huge French

Yup. . . and the truck they slammed into the wall was actually from that warehouse ("How the Harvest Gets Home" indeed!). Maybe they have an "A Team" that that we haven't seen yet, and a "B Team" they use as cannon fodder.

I hope you're right, but my fear is that they'll turn out to be mindless psychopaths. It's a shame, because the Wolves could have been terrifying.

Right. . . but why the heck didn't the Wolves know about the zombie pit? If they were targeting Alexandria, they should have made it their business to learn everything there was to know about the area, so that they could exploit every possible advantage that the environment had to offer them.

Well, sure. . . the kind of people who've managed to survive for this long aren't apt to be especially altruistic or law-abiding (Alexandria is a conspicuous exception that proves the rule), but they are supposed to be smart.

The Wolves don't make sense on a lot of levels. Even for a zombie apocalypse, they seem to have degenerated pretty far.

Agreed -Glenn has become a boring character, but last episode's contrast between how Morgan and Carol dealt with the Wolves was electric, and would have reduced anyone else who was featured in that episode to background noise.

Breaking Sad

I know. It's infuriating. If this was my show, I'd set the first season in a cable TV newsroom. (Yes, I know HBO just cancelled a show very similar to this - but they didn't have zombies).

The collapse of society could have taken way more than just a few episodes. It should begin with rumors on the internet, followed by questionable YouTube clips. Then news footage of god-knows-what going on in Paris and London. Then no more news at all out of Paris and London. . .a sharp-eyed character notices that the

Or he overdoses on morphine and dies, then rises up to gnaw on the intestines of the guy on the gurney, until he too rises. . . and they both wander out of the room in search of more victims, tangled up with each other by the morphine line.

The empty streets are a bizarre detail, but zombies do seem to flock together, and the horde might have been somewhere else just then. It's possible that Madison caught a lucky break.

Actually, Nick really might be considered a deadly threat to the community. The military knows something crucial: that everyone is already infected. The threats from outside their perimeter are dangerous enough, but the danger is exponentially greater if someone dies inside the wire. . . which, realistically, he could.

I think it depends on what type of zombies we're dealing with. The canon, so far, documents three separate varieties:

If only that show had ended with the cast being eaten by zombies. . . .

As long as we're making impossible wishes, I'd like to see this show redone as a 6-episode spin-off of The West Wing.

I can see how the lack of a cultural framework might affect society's response for the first day or two, but at this point it seems like everyone is basically up to speed. Everyone in LA who's encountered these things and is paying attention should know almost as much as we do about the Zombie concept, even if they

You're absolutely right. . . that's pretty much what's been bothering me about this show. But unfortunately, now that you've laid it out for me, I realize that what's been bothering me about this show (and quite a few others) is pretty much everything.