
I’ll admit she could do better in the glasses dept, but they don’t bother me. I think they are quirky and interesting, but yeah, they hide her pretty face a bit. I think the hair cut is stunning though. I’m so bored of long boring beach waves on everyone. Give me all the unruly huge hair. And I hate curls being

Always exceptions, true. For many people though, it’d be super easy. I have a huge family, and I’ve had probably 50 phone calls from distant cousins (interestingly enough- all on my moms side- I guess my dads isn’t interested or can track as well as they want). My siblings and parents haven’t done DNA testing bc we’re

As a coach, he’d be a mandated reporter. I have a problem with trusting him to do that, bc he has demonstrated bad judgement when it comes to young women (esp. if it was at the hands of a male athlete). He would not be coaching my daughter.

For 9.99 on the internet I could find all known relatives and addresses of a person, sometimes where they work, and phone numbers. You’d be surprised what comes up. We had to do it for my sister when she went missing when she left her two young children behind (long story, not relevant), and it listed all of her

That was the best one. I enjoyed the foo fighter as well. I also enjoyed the drama of foo fighters covering prince (darling Nikki), prince being pissed they didn’t get his approval, and covering foo as revenge (maybe- and at the super bowl), and the foo fighters fangirling over it. I mean yeah, I’d die too.

I adored the bob cut (curly shag? C’mon!) and love the glasses, so maybe your mileage may vary.

I feel strongly we should leave this kid alone. She’s got some super sketchy parents, some inappropriate friends (c’mon drake), and is at the age where she feels like an adult but uhhh, no. I really feel like extra PR isn’t helping here. She’s gonna lilo soon, and I really hope I’m wrong. 

Sunblock though. 

Idk, you picked the worst pic of the roundup. The other ones look pretty good. He looks better with the beard, but he’s a handsome dude, and has a killer smile, so eh. Do what you want man. You have the good looking person pass. Tell me what it’s like. 

The biggest problem is the cheaply made lingerie they carry is easily found, in a variety of sizes that VS refuses to carry, in a million of online retailers at a lower price point. They are not the only player in the game for “sexy” stuff, they are not aspirational and they are not inclusive. It doesn’t even matter

As a photographer, I’m always thinking of pictures. I don’t do weddings (hate wedding pics actually), but those would be fun! 

Sometimes people have no vision! I get not understanding that though. Women are fed this idea of idolizing a wedding, so it’s become pervasive in culture. My sister kinda bridezillaed at hers, so she didn’t get it. I just wanted a party. The dresses I sent her literally cost more than mine (mine was super cheap bc I

Eh, it wouldn’t have bothered me at all really, but that’s my personality. I’d have a hard time saying vows between laughs, and my husband would be cry laughing wishing he thought of it first, but bothered? Nope. And I’m envious of the pictures. I hope they did some of the Dino chasing them. But, if I had done it to

God, I WISH my sister had taken my wear anything you want advice to heart. She was my only bridesmaid (bc it was just her or 12 people- so we went the easy route and asked the rest to just wear red if they wanted). She freaked under that suggestion, could not pick, called me endlessly, needed direction, hated

I am now making pumpkin bread, as soon as I see a good pumpkin for it. Thanks to you I will gorge myself. I hope you’re happy. 

That is a lovely portrait. I say that with no thirst for the subject. 

I was thinking Tom Jones, but this works 

Yes, and also skip the lead singer. Always date the bass.

Best birthday: age 13. No one remembered bc my house is anshotshow. This is awesome bc for the last few years now, my older sister has worked at Chuck E. Cheese and my parents, ever thrifty, have been throwing every party possible there bc my sister just comps basically the whole thing. So I’ve gone from having cake

I feel like since DMB is essentially a jam band, they only sound good live. That energy is missing on their albums. I’m not really a fan either way, but I’ve been dragged to a show in college, and there was a drastic improvement in the live stuff