Thin White Duck

Soy loco por los cornballs!

Done with laughing at things for a little while. Probably gonna be my last comment here for a while too. I think I'll be back when I re-discover my sense of humor. Shit's way too dark right now. Love you guys. Duck out.

Can we please just put a pin in this already?

I betray my age here but in the late 90's Lithgow had a CD of kids' music called Singing in the Bathtub and I gotta say… shit wasn't half bad.

Watching Nickelodeon bend over backwards to explain the Trump phenomenon in a way kids can digest was like some dark avant-garde multimedia project.

I think Chronicle was excellent and that's why he keeps getting opportunities to make the rest of his mediocre-to-awful nerd fantasies.

I imagine repeating this line to myself in ever-increasing despair if I tried to sit through this whole special.

You're right, and it's a selfish thing for me to want an apology. For someone I want to like to make it easier for me to like them. Doesn't make me want it less though…

Most of the time I'm okay with it. But when your flaw is vocalizing deep-seeded hateful views towards large swaths of the population it's harder for me to swallow.

Man, I want that full-on, no-bullshit, I-know-I-hurt-people-and-I'm-truly-sorry apology. Mel can say "I've made mistakes and I shouldn't have said some things" all he wants. But I want an apology. Because this looks good and I want to see it. And Mel is so talented. And part of me still loves him. And wants him to be

He was hilarious playing the Chris Darden to Tina Fey's Marcia Clark on Kimmy Schmidt.

It's the Random Roles I never knew I wanted! One of those comic actors who elevates everything they're in. Maybe I should check out that new ABC show…

Even better was when they waited to shit on the last Neko Case album until she'd already played AVC Fest.

I thought we all declared rock docs over after "Gentle and Soft."

(I kid of course, wonderful interview as always. A role I'm legitimately sad wasn't brought up though was Warrior. Movie kicks ass and he deserved that Oscar nom.)

*no results*
*closes tab*

Very glad I'm not a conservative AVC commenter or these would be dark times indeed…

I think everything about Akira is perfect and the original Japanese release poster is great. I give the 2001 re-release poster the edge just for the bumped saturation and the gorgeous blue pavement.

I personally thought Jonah running for congress was one of the funniest storylines they've ever had.

So when do we get the Documentary Now version? Harrison Renzi's chomping at the bit