Thin White Duck

Dunno whether bringing up Pitchfork round these parts is a faux pas or not but his Over/Under is one for the ages. "Bill Nye taught the kids how to proportion their lean in their beverage."

Yeah I was surprised about that too. He seems to play elderly characters a lot though maybe that's what through me.

Here I was thinking this was a bit of a reemergence from obscurity a la Chris Tucker's last special. But a quick Wikipedia search told me he just wrapped five seasons of his own star-vehicle sitcom on TV Land and he also briefly hosted Who Wants to Be a Millionaire a few years ago. Dude's been crazy busy just in 100%

Am I misremembering or do they queue up Gimme Shelter *and* Sympathy for the Devil in that movie? That's licensed music cop out bingo.

I completely understand why someone wouldn't find Inherent Vice funny. But I laughed my ass off the entire damn movie. Joaquin crying while Josh Brolin eats an entire plate full of weed is one of the funniest things I have ever seen full stop.

There's a not-so-fine line in animation between charmingly crude (Home Movies, Don Hertzfeldt, etc.) and straight up ugly. This looks like the shitty flash animation I made in the school computer labs in seventh grade.

So… who is this for? The pop fans who won't know/care about Parker or Homme or the rock fans who'll find this emblematic of everything they dislike about contemporary pop? I feel like Gaga made this for herself and nobody else.

Loved Popstar but thought this dude was one of the least memorable parts of it. Let's see how he does.

That was rough. It was the first time I'd been to a kids' movie in theaters in a hot minute. I also forgot that kids in theaters don't get the "no talking" thing. This kid next to me was giving some expert play-by-play. "The beetle-man looks sad."

Amen. It looks like one long cutscene for a shitty video game adaptation of a much better movie. And, like, a PS2 video game at that.

The way her eye twitches when she's singing that song in Snowpiercer is one of the best, most bonkers things in that amazing, bonkers movie.

Dr. Spaceman was the necessary choice but pretty much any auxiliary 30 Rock character fits the bill.

Being known for his action/comedy films isn't necessarily selling him short, considering I had a film history professor convincingly argue that he is the best, most inventive physical comedian since Chaplin and Keaton.

Almost as good as Frank Reynolds' "trash man" gimmick.

Alternatively, they were one of my favorite parts of the movie.

Stop trying to creep around that assertion.


Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

I mean this is all subjective anyway, so I'm glad you liked it! I thought when he was coming from a more unique perspective (*especially* the episodes about his heritage) it worked really well. I'm not of South Asian heritage, and even if I didn't relate to it, I recognized it as special and sincere. Other episodes

Coming from a decently huge Aziz fan, I felt like the only point of Master of None was to get "clapter" (I know this isn't the most popular opinion), so I'm glad another of my favorite comedic voices managed to sidestep that.