Thin White Duck

I can totally see the potential for satire here. Seems like this is a group of men who've been traumatized by all the maiming and murdering they've done in the name of "freedom." Then they come home and we treat them like they're the fucking Guns N' Roses reunion.

Fuck that song hard. Mostly for how it tries to affirm body positivity, but in the context of because it's what boys want. "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."

Have you ever listened to Death Grips then? It's an MC over a punk drummer (basically). No guarantees you'll enjoy, but they're a group I recommend as sort of a "gateway rap" act.

Kurzel's Macbeth was one of the most visually arresting movies I'd seen in years. Have they ever had a capital-A "Artist" make a video game movie before? Because I am so here for this one.

Out of curiosity, what kind of music do you like? Rap is a broad genre, odds are there's a style of hip hop that jibes with music you normally enjoy! Might just not be the style that's always being forced on you on the radio.

They always do! Be a bit of a dick move to release 1-day tickets without telling you who you'll be actually able to see. Not that mass music festivals are unfamiliar with dick moves…

Loved Robinson since Kings of Summer, which, for being pretty unoriginal, I kind of loved. It hits all the coming of age cliches in the book but I remember it being atypically hilarious for a movie like that.

Would that it were so simple!

Mobin couldn't hack it.

Well. To each their own. I didn't mind the performances in the new one. I found everything far more pointless than outright bad in the new movie. Though I guess those things can be one and the same.

The brilliant thing about his performance is how he always says the most asinine things with hysterical confidence.


Ooooo…. Dammit!

Bald heads suck!

That show made me so sad because Hannibal is great and Why was 100% the wrong vehicle for him. Only cool thing about it was having FlyLo on all the time.

Upvoted both.

That's an amazing story. What a self-centered dork.

Agree. Crazy how over just six episodes you can see a show find its rhythm and prove it has promise to get even better.

Bummer they released this song as the clip. This movie has so many great songs and this is probably the worst one.

Steve Miller went to my high school and I interacted with the dude at a few graduate events. He seemed pleasant enough. And his gripes with the Hall of Fame are legit.