Saucy Bernays

Yeah, I’m gonna hold my breath on Frontier getting around to pushing this update. I expect we’ll see it in mid-2021 or so.

My inner critic came with a name: Mom.

My husband says he can tell how big a paper I’m supposed to be writing by how clean my desk is. It’s usually a pile of crap with a small space in front of the keyboard drawer, but if I’m procrastinating on something, you’ll be able to see the whole desktop.

You Might Be Procrastinating Because You’re Anxious

Don’t forget to wash the pot. And maybe make some cookies to go with it. Your brain needs fuel too, right? But you shouldn’t just eat junk, so you should also cook a healthy meal from scratch. And...

Duh, me! Reading is a useful skill, I should probably practice it more often.

Duh, me! Reading is a useful skill, I should probably practice it more often.

Paula Poundstone used to tell a joke that the reason why adults ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up is because we’re looking for ideas.

Bennett Cerf’s joke and riddles books are good resources for kids. You can find them cheap at used bookstores and the library. Time-tested, and if your kid masters some of them, they’re old enough that his/her fellow kids probably won’t have heard them. But classics never go out of style. The punchline to this one has

“My favorite thing is kids trying to tell jokes when they can’t yet tell jokes.”

“Wahhhh! Mommy, I don’t want to watch any more movies about doggies!”

I told him that if he didn’t suck so much, he’d get to play longer. Listen, you gotta give them motivation and inspiration when you can.

I have a cheap (like $1) brush I bought at Ikea that is perfect for washing things like graters. I even use it on my Microplane, though I have to be careful to brush in one direction. Just squirt on a bit of dish soap, use the brush to rub it around to all the surfaces, and then give it a good scrubbing.

Is that the goon squad? They’re slightly more delicate than I expected.

My parents are in Year 65 and still making each other miserable. They were the flip side of yours in that my mom was the horrible one and my dad her enabler. They’ve mellowed a bit with age, but not all that much.

Chipotle code isn’t working.

Chipotle code isn’t working.

I see you’ve met my parents.

It took me awhile to figure it out. She has her arm tucked into Goofy’s left one, so that’s her hand on his forearm. The angle is just right to make it look like that hand should be attached to the guy’s right arm.

Several of my friends have worked as hotel maids and their advice was to put the dirty towels in the bathtub. That way there’s no doubt those are the dirty ones.

It’s true! She researched her bank balance and that helped her make her decision.

Little Susie also needs to stay away from the other kids’ parents. My husband is immune-compromised right now and we live in fear that he will be inadvertently exposed to something in the grocery store. The alternative is to never leave the house for a year, and that’s not gonna work.