Saucy Bernays

Wanted to mention, for anyone who is interested, that the Echo Input does not support the communications features of the Echo Dot, etc. — no calling, no Drop-In. I overlooked that and almost bought one and this is a dealbreaker for me.

Wanted to mention, for anyone who is interested, that the Echo Input does not support the communications features of

Yes, dear. Bless your heart.

I’m not dismissive, you’re just being simplistic. It’s far too easy to give these assholes a pass by saying they’re “mentally ill”. (Especially if they’re white men.) Hey, no shit! Nice, ordinary, well-adjusted humans don’t gun down a bunch of people. It may be a factor, yes, but we need to look at all the causes, and

Yes. Also, water: wet; fire: hot.

That’s not what happened, nor is that what the article you cite talking about. Take your lies and hate and go somewhere else.

The brain bleach is in the blue bottle on the second shelf.

True; but it might contribute to your being a mass murdering fuckhead.

It is, but I don’t bother for people who haven’t got a firm grasp on their own basic logic. You wrote a lot, but since your basic premise was flawed, you said nothing worth engaging with.

No, asshole troll, “Tom McCuck”, the “real hero is not in handcuffs right now” after killing 49 people.

It wasn’t a “gun ban”. I guess reading isn’t your strong suit, eh?

Now, now, guys. Be nice to the oxymoron. He can’t help it he was born that way.

That kid is my hero today.

Can we encourage him to try hard drugs?

At this rate, we’re gonna have to start creating brackets.

“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” -- Albert Einstein

I imagine most of it goes over your head, then.

I’d be willing to bet she sees that as a plus.

Don’t exclude them -- those little girls need a chance to become decent human beings, too. And they sure aren’t going to learn it at home.

Maybe just start using the term “pregnant person” in all cases?

Medical abortion is also safer than carrying a pregnancy to term and giving birth and that never stops these forced birthers from insisting on it. Unless you mean the risks of the surgery for the pregnant woman and then I’m totally with you.