Saucy Bernays

Bear in mind that this happened in 2017, as much as 2 years ago. He’s 19 now, so he could still have been a minor when his girlfriend got pregnant. I thought the reichwing was against babies having babies? You know his mom would have ended up raising the kid.

Yes. They’ll call it the “Imperfect Vessel” law.

That’s how they’ll release her name. It won’t be their fault, she brought it on herself. Because evil hoooors need to be punished and we don’t have stocks in the public square anymore.

These are people who either skipped or flunked biology in high school. They seem to think that human development is akin to those toys I sometimes get my grandson, the ones that come in capsules and are made of highly compressed sponges. You add water and they expand and grow to full size. That’s what babies do, right?

This is the question I have for the very religious anti-abortion people— do they believe that each miscarried or aborted 6-8 week embryo is a soul that’s waiting for the parents in the afterlife? Along with every fertilized egg that couldn’t attach to the uterine wall? Because that’s where their logic seems to be

Absolutely. Actions have consequences, right? A concept I’m sure the anti-abortion gang would agree with completely.

Lieberman, party of one? I have a table for Lieberman, party of one.


*sigh* Yeah, I live CONUS now and eat a lot more canned/jarred pineapple than fresh. It’s not the same but I know that going in so I’m not disappointed.

Yep. It should have been called The Slashin’ of the Christ.

We used to do this when I was a kid, or more accurately a teenager, in Hawaii. Sometimes somebody would bring a pineapple to a beach party and then either forget a knife or bring one that wasn’t up to the job. So we’d rip the pineapple apart with our hands. It works, especially if the fruit is very ripe, but it’s

Lemon is an assertive flavor, unlike the other ingredients in hollandaise, so by its nature it is dominant. Also, my favorite hollandaise maker tends to like his lemony and since he is much better at making it than I am, I’m happy to have it any way he wants it.

Actually $900 for the whole set, not quite so bad. But it taught me to read the fine print very carefully. It turns out that in the interest of saving energy, they decided that “Hot” doesn’t actually mean hot. We don’t wash much in hot water, so we got in the habit of just turning the cold water tap almost off when we

Under your best dress.

I always wondered what happened when the ass windows fogged up.

4. Isn’t older than me, but also uses water that is properly hot.

Handy to know. I’ve read descriptions of black garlic’s flavor as being “faint” (so why would anyone bother, I wondered) so I could see how it would take quite a bit to get a strong flavor.

I can testify this works great. For smooth fabrics, you can rub a barely-damp cloth over the surface first and that will catch a lot of the surface lint/fur.

Probably not a good idea. The black garlic’s flavor is really subtle and might be completely washed out by the lemon in the hollandaise. Another creamy sauce might work -- how about a black garlic beurre blanc? Black garlic browned butter beurre blanc...?