Came here for this.
Came here for this.
I know! I mean, I like Pete Davidson just fine and wish him all the best, but, Kate, honey? Your standards are slipping.
The only thing airlines (and corporations in general) seem to understand is money. So maybe if it costs them some, they will do better next time. Because there’s always a next time.
Now I’ll have to watch that documentary. Thanks!
My folks had one of those bigass dishes and when I visited them I liked to flip to random channels. I always wondered about the channels that seemed to run only commercials. I figured there had to be some reason why they did that, but I don’t know why it never occurred to me it was something porn-related.
Amen! :D
Maybe. But it’s right there in the song: “We’re gonna do what they say can’t be done.”
Yeah. I don’t know if it’s been a weird winter or if our precautions have paid off, but Nana’s Little Petri Dish hasn’t brought home anything contagious for months.
That’s handy to know. Thanks!
I don’t need to take a look, I worked in gas stations for years. The seal on the card reader portion is not one placed there by the state, at least not in Texas (where I live and work) or any of the other handful of states where I’ve bought gas. The only seal the state put on the pumps was done by the Weights and…
Yeah, I’ll hold my breath for that to happen.
That’s possible. I couldn’t say since I don’t know where you went.
Years ago, I was on Wellbutrin for depression and had been for a couple of years. Then it was re-branded as Xyban to help people quit smoking. Suddenly, every month, my insurance (UHC, of course) denied my prescription. At first, I didn’t know why because I hadn’t put Wellbutrin=Xyban together.
Really? I’m going to have to find that study. We have a bunch of onanadestron at my house, since they gave it to my husband practically every time he set foot in the hospital before and during his stem cell transplant. He’s still medically a bit fragile and we have a 6-year-old living with us, so it could be useful.
When I was a kid in Hawaii, people coming home from the Mainland did this all the time. If you brought home a case of Coors, you were the most popular guy in your neighborhood. (The unavailability was the point, not the quality of the actual product, obviously!)
Piers asked me to tell you that he’s stopped having thoughts. They made his head hurt too much. Thanks for asking, though.
Yes, the external skimmers don’t require access to the innards of the pump. Those are also the easiest to detect. When I used to start my shift I would walk all the pumps to check the seals and wiggle the housings on the card scanners. My employer didn’t require that but I thought it was necessary. I hope they’re more…
The station charges the hold, the bank/CU/CC decides how long it stays active. Nobody would actually care if it was only active during the time it took to pump your gas.
Nope. It’s the bank/CU/CC that controls how quickly the hold is released. I recall a few years ago when MasterCard touted that they were shortening the length that they kept the hold active down to 5 business days. They seemed to think this was a big improvement.
Thanks! I’m not in California myself, but was passing along the information to friends who are and they aren’t in LA. They figured it out eventually.