Saucy Bernays

Note that the hold is controlled by your bank/CU, not the gas station. The reason for the hold is simple: If they didn’t do it, you could fill up your tank with $2 in your account and then when the pump went to charge you it would be “Too bad, so sad” for the station.

Your simple tip is largely worthless. The state seal doesn’t usually cover the portion of the pump that opens, and definitely not anywhere near the card reader. That’s not the purpose of that seal. The door that accesses the card reader also allows access to the receipt printer, whose paper has to be replenished

This is not A&P, the local mom&pop, a small regional chain, or even chains like Wegmans. This is the big grocery chains with over 1000 stores, of which there are only 2 or 3.

Is this only for LA County library cardholders? The link in the story goes to that, and the story at The Hill has even less detail.

But if a history of sexual misconduct—from the military to the classroom—and an arrest record, aren’t enough of a red flag to the FBI, what is?

The answer is probably in the last line of the story:

My son’s first girlfriend dumped him at lunch one day, by giving him a note that said, “I’m breaking up with you. I’m going out with Mike now.” Except she forgot to let Mike know about their new relationship, and when he found out how she treated Son he wanted nothing to do with her. It was hard, over the course of

The silicone molds I’ve seen to make these in an IP hold about 8 each, and you can stack them. I imagine you could probably make a couple dozen easily, and in a tiny fraction of the time it takes in the oven. Also, no stirring, which for me is the dealbreaker because I will definitely forget at least once. I can also

I wonder if yogurt might work?

Be patient. You’ll be contacted when the time is right.

Well, shit. I gathered up a handful of those last night and had my spouse remove all the paper labels like good little consumers so we could put them in this morning’s recycling.

I use the random single fondue fork that turned up in our utensil drawer one time. I have no idea where it came from, but it’s useful for so many little things.

The extension is called “Progressive Shopper” and its primary purpose is to recommend where someone should spend their money. If you don’t want that, then why would you use it? Take your refined judgment skills and apply them on your own.

Nope. As someone else already noted, once you get below -40 (where Celsius and Fahrenheit converge) the temperature in Fahrenheit is colder.

I have a classmate who does this every year. They pay him $10/hr, which is better than the $9/hr he makes at his regular job as a security guard. He looks at it as a nice extra chunk of cash that’s easy to do.

Sounds about right to me. We have occasionally only been able to get Kikkoman shoyu, but our family can’t do without rice. Many years ago, we went to the commissary in Ft. Worth, TX, and bought 2 giant bags of Hinode. The cashier took one look at our cart and asked, “How long did you live in Hawaii?”

Most major grocery stores are laid on the same.

Notecards are the best paper for this. Each card can be a category and you can just flip to the card that matches the area you’re in. So if the bakery is the first area by the entrance in one store, but at the far end in another one, it doesn’t matter; you just flip up the bakery card when you get there.

You can remove the $5 ebook credit offer since it expired yesterday.

You can remove the $5 ebook credit offer since it expired yesterday.

Corpse? You’re too kind.