Saucy Bernays

Your second link — the one I clicked on, of course — takes you to a completely different band that doesn’t work with the promo code. It does work fine with the link under the picture, though.

Your second link — the one I clicked on, of course — takes you to a completely different band that doesn’t work with

There’s always a Grasshopper: 1 part crème de menthe, 1 part crème de cacao, 2 parts cream. Also good as a shake, albeit very sweet, by substituting vanilla ice cream for the cream.

The Oxo Cold Brew Coffee Maker is back up to $50 already. That was quick!

The Oxo Cold Brew Coffee Maker is back up to $50 already. That was quick!

Can confirm.

Can confirm.

It’s only the green models (two different color names, but they look the same to me) of the food scale that are $5, and they already say they won’t arrive until after Christmas.

It’s only the green models (two different color names, but they look the same to me) of the food scale that are $5,

Shredded wheat in any form is just a bridge too far for me, but I’m sorry your favorite got discontinued. I hate it when that happens!

There’s also Honey Nut Chex, which is vastly superior to their Cheerio brethren in every way. As noted, Cheerios are crumbly, while Chex are crunchy and they stay especially crunchy in milk.

Will sympathy from an internet stranger help? We lost our cat last week too, and though it was after a long illness, the end came very quickly. Our youngest cat is still wondering where she went.

Put a stick of butter or two (wrapped is fine) in a bowl of cool tap water for about half an hour. Softened butter should be around 60-65F; it should just give when you press a finger into it. The water will keep it from getting too warm.

Interesting juxtaposition of the picture with the text of the article. Article suggests doing meaningful things, picture says drink heavily. I know which one I’m going for!

My parents never bought Legos for me because those were “boy toys”, but I remedied that with my kids. My son still has a huge Rubbermaid bin of Legos and now his son has inherited it. I wish they didn’t have so many tie-in models now, though. It was always more fun to build more generic things and customize them. When

It’s been a long time since I needed to utilize a food pantry, and ours back then never had spices. There was the rare random carton of Morton salt, but that was about it. Luckily, our hard times were fairly brief, so we had a fully-stocked kitchen and it wasn’t a problem.

Oh, you mean add fat and salt to it? That’s seasoning, child.

You can, she just won’t answer. Which is probably reasonable, since who would want to answer to that anyway?

It’s straightforward location based parameters and functionality that should be available now.

You can do something like that with Smart Groups. In all the rooms we have Echo devices, we have them in Smart Groups, so people can just walk in and say, “Alexa, turn on the lights.”

Does your pantry offer your clients garlic powder, black pepper, onion, and crushed red pepper? No? Have you seen how much that stuff costs in the grocery stores? The markup on jarred spices is obscene! Unless you’re lucky, it’s hard to find stores that sell it in bulk, making it affordable, so there’s a good chance

GTFO. I’m so white my people are transparent in strong sunlight and I would never cook chicken without seasoning. What is that nonsense?!?

White folks complain about black folks? RACIST.

Avatar? Is Elinore with you?