

@mykpfsu77: Not when she admits that she agreed to continue anyway.

This seems like a cool feature:

No reason we can't improve our current techniques.

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We are not safe because of security. We are safe because of two things:

@sleepneed: Get of the car and then make the call?

We can also prevent 40,000 highway deaths a year if we prevent people from driving at all.

@TheRealDoshu: I think the controls are fun for this type of game (rail shooter).

How come nearly every single Wii game has the word "Wii" in it?

@nandreetta: Fair enough. Carmack said he thought that this type of turning was kind of ridiculous since it means you whack your neighbor on the bus when trying to play the game in this fashion, but that he wasn't opposed to exploring it as an option for his next game.

@Tim0Tim: This isn't a traditional FPS, this is like Revolution X or any number of arcade shooters that were on rails from the past 30 years.

@enjoybobudo: In the last ten years we've had 3000 people die from terrorist attacks. We've also had 400,000 people die on US highways. We could reduce deaths dramatically by lowering the speed limit, but as a society we've decided that we're ok with more people dying so the rest of us can get to our destinations

@Zonky: It uses the Gyro if you have it.

@Tim0Tim: The controls can be a bit frustrating at times, but it is surprisingly solid overall, especially with the gyro enabled iPhone 4.

@Sl4ck3r: You can change it to tilt on the iPad.

@Jack Musick: I keep getting tempted by hot new Android phones, but when I see articles like this one next to the Android I hug my 3GS again.