How dare you compare garbage men to those dickbags. Garbage men are heroes. These guys are assholes.
How dare you compare garbage men to those dickbags. Garbage men are heroes. These guys are assholes.
Of course not. I have never met a parking lot attendant who didn’t revel in being a dick and ruining my day.
This guy seems like a real dick. That said I blame him not at all for tearing up a parking ticket. You have to be special sort of ass hole to want to give parking tickets.
That’s not “The U.” Don’t call it that.
I like seeing how the Mormon Mario Sisters are keeping polygamy alive and well.
Love the name. My school has a big intramural hockey league, and the second years pick the nicknames that will be on the first years jerseys. Each year we pick the biggest d-bag from the first year class to be the FIGJAM. We’re now up to FIGJAM VII.
College Gameday Location Rankings
Clearly you have never seen Kingpin.
It’s like the Boist St. tacklers were invisible or something.
I don’t think she is Satan the slitting the throat things are hyperbole on both sides... I think. I’ve spent quite of my time around politics, and it’s extremely cut-throat (heh). They are friends one day then enemies the next. Or friends behind closed doors and will fuck each other over when the latch closes. …
I’ve read and heard enough from her to develop my own opionion. If you love her that’s cool you have my blessing. It’s not like she has been in the public spotlight for a quarter century.
Something else that really pisses me off right now, is I didn’t get a say in Trump. The caucus situation has to change. I may not agree with many of you but it is HORSE SHIT, that I didn’t get to vote for my nominee. Because it was decided before they got to Colorado. That is simply garbage. Would our states out…
My problem with this election is I think Hillary and the Donald both are really bad people. I feel like Hillary won’t ruin this country and it means something to her. But she is an awful individual. I swear she would slit a puppy’s throat for an extra vote. The problem is Trump would slit two for an extra dollar and…
That headline pretty much sums up the entire election cycle. Replace DNC with America and storm drain with ears.
The Houston tweet says, “history is persevered,” not preserved as I assume they meant. Maybe they should try focusing a bit more on academics, or perhaps this is the “Hey, we’re nothing like Rice” angle?
I almost shot tea out my nose when I saw that tweet and then again when I saw this comment
The Big 12 should throw Houston a life perseverer and let them in.
And what’s the deal with the Big 12 have 10 teams and the Big Ten having 14 teams? Are we driving on parkways and parking on driveways now?
“Its a dumb rule that I’d love to see go away. glad it wasn’t called.”