
I really wouldn't regard the Obama administration's handling of gay rights as "mixed." That's kind of the one thing he's done really, really well on. Yeah, he hasn't yet signed a non-discrimination executive order, but there's plenty of questions about whether one of those could even hold up in court (and if it

Thanks. I wish I could take just innate credit for it but *whispers* my dirty secret? I'm a bioethicist. ;-)

After reading this thread I just want to thank you for the smart, eloquent and accurate way you've discussed the ethics of organ transplantation. As someone in the medical profession it can be so difficult to try to explain to people the horrible decisions that have to be made in this area, simply because, as you

Meagan - Regardless of what you may have been attempting to convey, I don't think that was the main takeaway of your article. The main takeaway I got (and judging from the messages) was, "why not just give Sarah a goddamn lung?" and "what's the hold up?" You spend more time talking about how a change to the law

Well, for starters there are medical ethicists who sort of train for just this.

I am the 1%!


"2. Roseanne hasn't been on the site lately, because our comments are moderated, and our approved commenting community is comprised almost exclusively of thoughtful femistGOD WHY AM I EXPLAINING THIS TO ROSEANNE??"

My vag *is* like Narnia. It's buried behind a pile of furs.

Seriously: like a vag is Narnia.

Lindy—I can't even. While I'm sure you are able to wade through this bullshit with aplomb, I offer my angriest GIFs, strongest words of condolence, and raised feminazi fist of solidarity.

What kind of moron uses "You have pubic hair" as a putdown?

Oh, he is. He's not worth feeding.

FYI, my son hasn't figured out how to effectively swing himself from our hands. Right now it's a bunch of jumping and being dragged by us.

Q: What are you?

Don't know about dachshunds, but there is Doctor Desoto.

Now all I can think of is the spider.

"Look at all the fucks I don't give!"

I just wore one to the racetrack, but if you like them, just wear them! Why the fuck not.

Under these terms I think I'm a porn star.