
Y’know, a lot of people say that we share far too much of ourselves online, making ‘attention whoring’ a common accusation for anyone sharing personal experiences. The cynicism in America is so strong that even a quick pic posted on IG can get one dragged to death by complete strangers just for the act of exposition.

The funny thing is he’s already come for the poor/working class and they havent even realized it yet. Deregulation always works out for the poor. And I cant wait until those union reps who went to kiss his ring realize how hard drumpf is going to push for union members “right to work”.

This is why I looked askance at every black person who was shown at his rallies, who were interviewed on television, who posted YouTube videos, who visited him at Trump Tower. His entire life, he’s paid little but lip service to black people and there was no reason to think he was going to change. I mean for fuck