
So, I grew up in Vernon, literally in the condos that abutted Action Park, later Mountain Creek.

I think it is an influencer’s responsibility to vet the things they promote, at least to some degree. What sets them apart from traditional marketing is mostly the veneer of authenticity that an influencer’s endorsement projects. That illusion of intimacy with their audience also means they’ll get more blowback from

“and ineffective, as none of us actually looked or felt any better.”

Consider, however, that I am cis-female and have been almost six feet tall, with shoulders broader than most males I meet and long limbs, since I was 13 years old. These kinds of physiological differences occur within people of the same sex anyway, and don’t necessarily only act as advantages (eg. larger bodies are

My grandpa was a doctor, flu shots became a Thanksgiving tradition. Literally instead of going around the table and saying what we were thankful for, he went around the table and gave everyone their flu shot. Incidentally, that was something I was very thankful for.

Quite so! The primary source of the danger here is natural impatience, perhaps a bit of dessert gluttony, and (this is my risky point) a lack of basic math skills. (“awww... I just wanna get a buzz — I hate math!”) You have to sit down, read the label, and figure out how many milligrams you’re ingesting. Keep it under

Creepy semi-name-droppy comment coming, but.... I went to school with one of the stars mentioned in this article and I am SO FORKING HAPPY to see them flourishing and finding success. Watching someone be authentically themselves back in the day even when the world wasn’t ready, and then to look up and they’re on TV

Yeah I think they’re likely dead if the stems are mushy - when they froze the water inside each cell expanded and broke the cell walls (like when you freeze veggies and then thaw them again). But, the roots might not be all dead, since soil is insulating if it's dry enough, so you can try bringing them inside, cutting

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep saying it as long as it takes to sink in: however fun the Marvel movies are, in the real world there is one and only one superpower.

How fun for those women you dated! No, you wouldn’t have any bias about this at all.

It astounds me I’m trapped for life for wanting to get an education.  If I had started a failed Retro Beeper business, I could just walk away.  I’d honestly renounce me degrees if I could get my loans discharged.  I could find my way just fine in the world without this anchor slowly drowning me.  I haven’t done the

I don’t know if it’s a question of “belief.” While I’m fairly educated on the chemistry of it all, and I’ve also made a few choices with regard to flavoring compounds that I see as significantly reducing the risk of the “unknown,” I will happily accept that it’s better for the lungs to not vape than to vape.

I think you must have misread. I was offering a similarly bullshit anecdote “proving” the antecedent just to show how wildly silly the entire premise of “I know somebody who got sick” is.

Juul is the most popular and so the most vilified, and what’s really infuriating, it is also the one that is likely the least likely to cause the sicknesses, it doesn’t have any of the contaminants involved, and even a story in the WSJ today about Juul’s CEO stepping down says at the end “Juul is not linked to any

...she was literally looking at a lamp.

It’s been weeks, and there are still no specifics on what products are used and what kinds of settings are used to allegedly cause these cases of disease...

I live there, and I can tell you that this is literally the most Manhattan Beach thing that has ever happened. A gaggle of rich entitled people with too much time on their hands. A pox on all their houses.

Here in Ireland there has been a really harrowing case where a teenage girl was murdered by two boys from her school. The Gardaí (our police service) found thousands of pornographic images on a phone belonging to one of the boys.

The service is worth it just for Doom Patrol.

In the northern hemisphere, opals slowly turn into dinosaur bones. Hence the common American phrase: “I’ve been waiting so long that my opal jewelry has turned into dinosaur bones.”